SimulIDE Knowledge Base
All components available are in the Component list in the Left Panel, there you can grab components and drop into the Circuit canvas.
Once in the circuit, each component can be cofigured by:
- Context menu (right-click) with all the actions available for that component.
- Properties dialog (double-click) to configure all the settings available for that component.
Logic Components:
This is a group of components located in the Locic category that have some common properties.
Check this page for more information about Logic Components.
Reactive Components:
This is a group of components located in the Reactive category that have some common properties.
Check this page for more information about Reactive Components.
Custom Components:
You can create your own components for SimulIDE.
There are 2 main types of components you can create in SimulIDE:
1- Subcircuits:
These are just circuits hidden inside a package.
Check the page specific for Subcircuits here.
2- Modular:
These are components created by combining different modules that already implemented in SimulIDE.
Check the page specific for Modular Components here.
Modular components include:
Linking Components:
You can also link some components to other components to perform different actions.
When you link two or more component, the “active” one will perform some action over the linked components, usually sending some data.
For example you can link a dial to several potentiometers, then when you adjust the dial all the linked potentiometers will be automatically adjusted to the same position.
This feature is not available in version 1.0.0