SimulIDE Knowledge Base

Open main settings dialog in Circuit Tool bar.
There are 3 tabs:

Application settings

These setting need an application restart.


Circuit settings

  • Draw Grid: show or hide grid.
  • Show Scrollbar: show or hide scroll bars.
  • Animate: animate wire color and pin color and modes.
  • Canvas Refresh: number of Canvas updates/redraws per second.
  • Auto Backup: save Circuit backup if there are changes. (0 to disable)

Simulation settings

  • Speed %: Target simulation speed in percentage of real time.
  • Steps per Second: Another way to set simulation speed.
  • Max Iterations: Number of maximum iterations for Non Linear loop (0 for no limit).
  • Reactive Step: Represents one step during charge/discharge of reactive components.
    It should be small enough for each specific case.
    It is possible to set custom Reactive Step for individual reactive components.
  • Slope Steps: Number of steps for Output Pins rising/falling edges (0 for disabled).
