SimulIDE Knowledge Base

This feature is only available from version 1.1.0.

Linking is a way to make components interact without being connected in the circuit.
When you link two or more component, the linker or “active” one will perform some action over the linked components, usually sending some data.

For example you can link a dial to several potentiometers, then when you adjust the dial all the linked potentiometers will be automatically adjusted to the same position.

  • Only some components have the ability to link to other components.
  • Most component can be linked, but only some can perform actions.

To link two components:

  • Right-click in the linker and select “Link to Component”.
    Mouse cursor will change to: link.png

  • Select linked components by clicking on them.
    A blue square with the index number indicates that it is linked.


  • To unlink click in any linked component again.

  • To stop linking click on any empty part of the Circuit, cursor returns to normal.

  • Dial
    Send value between Min. Value and Max. Value (in properties)

  • Text Component
    Shows value label from linked components.
    Syntax: $dataN (N = component index).

  • Led / Diode
    Send value of current flowing through (for 40 mA it sends 0.040).

  • Dc Motor
    Send value 0 to 1000 corresponding to rotation angle (1000 = 360º)

  • Stepper
    Send value 0 to 1000 corresponding to rotation angle (1000 = 360º)

  • Scripted
    Can send any value from the script (double or string)

Can be linked:

  • Dialed (Dial, Potentiometer, Variable Resistor, Resistive Sensors):
    Can receive a value (resistance, luminance, etc) or dial position:
    i = 0: set Dial position (0-1000)
    else : set resistance value.

  • Text Component
    Can append or set text:
    i = 0: set text.
    else : append text.

  • 7 segment BCD
    Can receive a display value or segment on/off:
    i = 0: display value (0-F).
    else : 1 bit for each segment.

  • Clock & Wave Gen
    Can receive a frequency value.

  • Potentiometer
    Can receive a resistance value or a Dial value.
    i = 0: Resistance value else : Dial value

  • Capacitor
    Can receive a percentage capacitance (0 to 1000 = 0 to 100%).

  • Inductor
    Can receive a percentage inductance (0 to 1000 = 0 to 100%).

  • Controlled Source
    Can receive a control voltage or current.

  • Scripted
    Can receive a double or string value.
