SimulIDE Knowledge Base – FILE EXPLORER

The File explorer is in the left panel, it is divided in 2 sections:



There are some fixed bookmarks pointing to relevant places:

  • FileSystem: file system root (shows disks in Windows).
  • Home: User folder.
  • Examples: SimulIDE example projects.
  • Data: SimulIDE data folder.
  • Settings: system folder containing SimulIDE settings file.
  • User Data: SimulIDE user data folder.

You can add your own bookmarks from the File tree.

File tree:

There is a path box at the the top.

Below it, the file tree itself, works as usual:

  • Click in the arrows to expand/collapse tree branches.
  • Double-Click in folder to open folder
  • Double-Click in file to open file in SimulIDE:

Right-Click in any file to open context menu:

  • Open in Editor: open file in Editor.
  • Show Hidden: show hidden files.

Right-Click in any folder to open context menu:

  • Add Bookmark: add this folder to bookmarks.
  • Show Hidden: show hidden files.
