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Transformer voltages

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Or perhaps one color only to indicate the top of the primary side.

Yes, I think this should be enough.
Marking the Primary top side defines everything: Primary/Secondary and top/bottom.

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The first lesson I learnt from this topic is that if the primary of a transformer has many coils and the first one has to be grounded, as it is the case in general, I just need to flip it vertically on the schematic.

The second lesson is that if a transformer has many coils, I just need to calculate the base inductance only. In a real design, the turns of its coils are known, besides the inductance (L) of one of them in the least. And if the number of turns of this latter coil is (N), we get:

Base Inductance =  L / N^2


Those are good tips.
I will add it to the documentation.

I will also make clear that "Primary" and "Secondary" just refers to "Left side" and "Right side".

Quote from arcachofo on February 1, 2024, 3:52 pm

Those are good tips.
I will add it to the documentation.

I will also make clear that "Primary" and "Secondary" just refers to "Left side" and "Right side".

This is the case right after loading it. And flipping the transformer horizontally flips also its 'Primary' and 'Secondary' coils.

For instance, I tested the transformer on the schematic of mains voltage stabilizer (16 steps using 4 relays, input from 120 to 287 Vrms, output 210 to 230 Vrms). The simulation gave the expected values (on two 3-digit 7-segment LED displays).


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