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SimulIDE 1.1.0-SR0 (Stable Release 0) available for download.

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...Maintaining full compatibility with current components, right?

Quote from Defran on March 25, 2024, 10:31 pm

...Maintaining full compatibility with current components, right?

By now the two systems will coexist and it will be easy to convert from one system to another.

Thank you very much. This good new thing in the program will be with the installation of the necessary elemental base in the program. What kind of user folder is expected? There will be all models and those made by users.
Then when it's done. Be sure to show in the video an example of how to install everything into the program.
Thank you ! ! !

What kind of user folder is expected?

"User data folder" was introduced in November 2022:

And added to Settings in February 2023:

There is already a video:

And some information in the documentation:


The improvements that will be introduced will make the process of creating and adding new components easier.
This will make much easier to share components: just adding one file to your "User data folder".
But the "User data folder" was implemented long time ago.

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The mega328PB in 1.1.0 SR0 seems to miss the property for the CPU frequency.

Once it is manually added to the file via an editor, it will get deleted again after the next saving.

I see...
There is a missing line in file: data/AVR/megax8/megax8pb_perif.xml
You can copy line 20 from file: data/AVR/megax8/megax8_perif.xml

  <intosc name="intosc" clockpins="PORTB6,PORTB7" clockoutpin="PORTB0" />


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