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Hi, that's great.
Thank you for contributing.

I guess this translation is for 1.1.0, then you can zip the file and attach here.

For next versions we are coordinating translations in GitHub, in case you or anybody else want to do it, feel free to open an issue there:


My translation changes a lot of labels in the GUI menu and others, and adds several specific terms for components. I tried to stay close to the original English words, but sometimes it wasn't really possible.

I hope it will be useful.

Find the zip file attached.

Regards, Jean


I tried to attach my translation file to this post, but it seems I'm unable to upload files on the forum. Could you please let me know the best way to send you the translation file?

Thank you! Jean

Just click on "Browse" below and select the file, that should be all.

Uploaded files:


I tried to upload my translation file last time without success.
When I click on "Choisir un fichier" under "Upload file," I can select my file "" Then I click on submit and my file is not uploaded.

Perhaps there's something wrong with my profile or I'm not authorized to upload files on the forum...
Could you send me an email address so I can send the file by mail?

Thank you! Jean

New test for upload

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