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If you want to translate to some other language this is how to proceed:

Get simulide.ts from here (click in the icon at the right side to download):

It it is a new translation, rename to simulide_lang.ts, for examle: simulide_es.ts for spanish, simulide_it.ts for italian and so on.

Open it in Qt Linguist app and translate the strings.
Qt Linguist manual:

Once translated, save the changes.

You can share the translated file in a post here.

Hi guys.

I updated translations for 1.1.0
This is the last update for this version which is planned to be released as "stable" in 3 weeks (March 25 2024).

If you want to update some translation, get the .ts file here:

Thank you very much for your collaboration.


there is attached updated Czech translation for trunk revision 2230.

Uploaded files:

Updated translation into Russian


Uploaded files:

there is attached updated Czech translation for trunk revision 2230.

Updated translation into Russian

Thank you very much guys.

Translations updated at Rev 2235.



there is attached updated Czech translation for trunk revision 2272.

Uploaded files:

Translation updated at Rev 2273.

I am posting updated help files in Russian.
I recommend deleting the old files (you can delete them together with the "_ru" directory) due to numerous changes in their contents.


Uploaded files:
Alex68 has reacted to this post.

Thank you.

Files updated in 1.1.0 and development branch.

Alex68 has reacted to this post.

Hi arcachofo,

Last night I slept like a baby, but at one point I felt my bed move! I looked underneath and found a new French translation of SimulIDE in a little wooden box... I think you might be interested, right?

I cannot upload my file in this post. By the way, could you let me know the best way to send you the translation file?

Greetings, Jean LINDEMAN

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