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pico rp2040


i'm interested about adding rp2040 microcontroller.
before starting anything, i just try running an atmega328 with a 160 MHz clock.
i can't have real time, so it's a bit annoying as rp2040 run up to 133MHz.

Did you try using a QThread for each mcu ?
maybe eMcu::runEvent method could start eMcu::stepCpu in a Thread and get the result next time.
Don't know if it's clear :
is it possible that eMcu::runEvent :
-> save input states
-> get output states of last execution of stepCpu
-> run eMcu::stepCpu in a QThread and didn't wait the result, it would be read next time

I think I'll give it a try


I don't think that threading is a solution in this case, but maybe there is a way that I don't know.

In any case running anything at 160 MHz and real time is not easy:
Executing 10 instructions will "consume" 1.6 GHz, so the maximum you can execute each cycle is a few 10's of instructions.
You can't do much with that.

If you do some experiments please let me know what do you get.