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Maybe bug in AVR USI (Attiny85)

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Happy to help !

santigoro has reacted to this post.

Hi again 😉

Just a little new modification in avrusi.cpp :

void AvrUsi::callBack()  // Called at Timer0 Compare Match

shitfData() must be called before stepCounter() call.

When sending data, that's not important, but when receiving data the buffer (USIBR) has to be updated after reading Pin data.

Thank you.

I will have a look, there are other places where shiftData() and stepCounter() are called.
Not sure why it is in this order, but I kind of remember that it was a reason,  at least for some cases.

I guess this is specific to the Timer Compare Match, because all actions are taken (sequentially) at the same time. Others modes of operations separate stepCounter() and I/O on different edges of the clock.

Yes, that makes sense.

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