Help with Ubuntu and Arduino simulation

Quote from MA108 on December 19, 2024, 1:09 pmHi I am new to the forum and am looking for some help to get started. There is lots of information and how-to’s on the internet but mostly for windows users. I am a Linux user and am struggling to get started. I am interested in Arduino Uno projects but can’t even get the simple blink sketch to run.
When I load the blink.ino the IDE reports :-
“Arduino Compiler successfully loaded.”
but when I try to compile I get the errors:-
“: Executable not found
: Check that Tool Path is correct
WARNING: Compilation Not Done”
Simple question – what should go into the tool path option of the compiler settings?
Also could someone point me in the direction of a guide for Linux users and arduino simulation?
OS = Ubuntu 24.04
simulIDE ver 1.1.0 R1912
arduino IDE ver 1.8.19
Regards MA
Hi I am new to the forum and am looking for some help to get started. There is lots of information and how-to’s on the internet but mostly for windows users. I am a Linux user and am struggling to get started. I am interested in Arduino Uno projects but can’t even get the simple blink sketch to run.
When I load the blink.ino the IDE reports :-
“Arduino Compiler successfully loaded.”
but when I try to compile I get the errors:-
“: Executable not found
: Check that Tool Path is correct
WARNING: Compilation Not Done”
Simple question – what should go into the tool path option of the compiler settings?
Also could someone point me in the direction of a guide for Linux users and arduino simulation?
OS = Ubuntu 24.04
simulIDE ver 1.1.0 R1912
arduino IDE ver 1.8.19
Regards MA

Quote from arcachofo on December 19, 2024, 6:28 pmHi.
The steps to use Arduino compiler are these:
1- Download Arduino IDE from official website (Arduino from repositories does not work)
2- Extract.
3. Set tool path to this folder you extracted.
The steps to use Arduino compiler are these:
1- Download Arduino IDE from official website (Arduino from repositories does not work)
2- Extract.
3. Set tool path to this folder you extracted.

Quote from MA108 on December 20, 2024, 12:37 pmHi Arcachofo
That solved the problem. Thank you so much - I have spent hours trying to resolve this. I have tried several versions and the appimage but not this one (:-).
Now I just need to tidy up my installation.
Thanks Again MA
Hi Arcachofo
That solved the problem. Thank you so much - I have spent hours trying to resolve this. I have tried several versions and the appimage but not this one (:-).
Now I just need to tidy up my installation.
Thanks Again MA

Quote from MA108 on December 21, 2024, 2:44 pmOoops spoke too soon. Have removed the Old version (1.8.6) of arduino installed from the ubuntu repository but simulIDE is still using the old compiler :-
"Used platform Version Path
arduino:avr 1.8.6 /home/martin/.arduino15/packages/arduino/hardware/avr/1.8.6"
I've tried removing (renaming) .arduino15 but compile then fails with this error message:-
"Error during build: Platform 'arduino:avr' not found: platform not installed
Try running `arduino-cli core install arduino:avr`"
Running - arduino-ide_2.3.4_Linux_64bit (downloaded from the arduino website) creates another .arduino15 directory but this doesn't appear to contain the software (I assume command line compiler) that it's looking for.
I could could use the old version of the compiler but it seems a shame to not use the latest.
I suspect that the old installation has altered an environment variable which has been left after removal but I am not sure what I am looking for.
Any further help would be appreciated.
Ooops spoke too soon. Have removed the Old version (1.8.6) of arduino installed from the ubuntu repository but simulIDE is still using the old compiler :-
"Used platform Version Path
arduino:avr 1.8.6 /home/martin/.arduino15/packages/arduino/hardware/avr/1.8.6"
I've tried removing (renaming) .arduino15 but compile then fails with this error message:-
"Error during build: Platform 'arduino:avr' not found: platform not installed
Try running `arduino-cli core install arduino:avr`"
Running - arduino-ide_2.3.4_Linux_64bit (downloaded from the arduino website) creates another .arduino15 directory but this doesn't appear to contain the software (I assume command line compiler) that it's looking for.
I could could use the old version of the compiler but it seems a shame to not use the latest.
I suspect that the old installation has altered an environment variable which has been left after removal but I am not sure what I am looking for.
Any further help would be appreciated.

Quote from Deleted user on December 22, 2024, 11:02 pmTry to add another slash at the end of the path
Try to add another slash at the end of the path

Quote from arcachofo on December 23, 2024, 12:00 pm"Used platform Version Path
arduino:avr 1.8.6 /home/martin/.arduino15/packages/arduino/hardware/avr/1.8.6"
That is normal.
Arduino uses that folder, I guess there is the info about boards, libraries, etc.
Best option in my opinion is to restore it and let Arduino do it's thing.
"Used platform Version Path
arduino:avr 1.8.6 /home/martin/.arduino15/packages/arduino/hardware/avr/1.8.6"
That is normal.
Arduino uses that folder, I guess there is the info about boards, libraries, etc.
Best option in my opinion is to restore it and let Arduino do it's thing.

Quote from arcachofo on December 23, 2024, 12:20 pmQuote from n3645 on December 22, 2024, 11:02 pmTry to add another slash at the end of the path
Yes, that can be a problem if you introduce the path manually.
I will fix it adding a slash if it's not there.
Quote from n3645 on December 22, 2024, 11:02 pmTry to add another slash at the end of the path
Yes, that can be a problem if you introduce the path manually.
I will fix it adding a slash if it's not there.

Quote from MA108 on December 24, 2024, 1:06 pmThanks for your help Arcachofo. I'm now trying to retrace my steps and recreate the configuration that works. Will let you know how I get on.
Thanks for your help Arcachofo. I'm now trying to retrace my steps and recreate the configuration that works. Will let you know how I get on.

Quote from MA108 on January 7, 2025, 11:45 amOK I have finally got an installation that works with Arduino IDE Ver 2 and SimulIDE so I thought I would post the steps I followed for the benefit of other Linux/Ubuntu users.
The following setup works for Ubuntu and Xubuntu ver 24.04 :-
Make sure that the software is up to date.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
Make a new folder in home folder e.g. ArduinoEa.
Download the arduino ide – zip file for linux 64bit from this link
Once downloaded extract it to the ArduinoEa folder.
Create desktop launcher as shown below.
Create a file text file called Arduino IDE 2_3_4.desktop in the Desktop folder with the following text.
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Arduino IDE 2.3.4
Comment=Launch IDE ver 2 without sandbox
Exec=/home/username/ArduinoEa/arduino-ide_2.3.4_Linux_64bit/arduino-ide --no-sandbox
After saving the file change the properties to allow execution. Note the arduino ide runs with the no-sandbox option. Ubuntu 24.04 will not run the IDE in a sandbox due to permission requirements.
Once saved the launcher should add a new icon to the desktop. Double-click the new icon and the arduino IDE program should run.
Plug the arduino Uno board into a usb socket. In the IDE select Tools > Board > Arduino AVR board > Adruino Uno. Then select Tools > Port and click on the port where the board has been mounted.
Now select File >Examples > 01 Basics > Blink and compile and download the sketch to the Uno. The on-board led should flash every second. Compiling the sketch causes the IDE to create a tools folder .arduino15. This is essential for SimulIDE to compile Arduino sketches.
Change the delays on lines 34 and 36 from 1000 to 100. Now compile and download the sketch again. The led should now be flashing much faster.
Now select File > Save as and save your modified Blink sketch to the ArduinoEa folder. And close the IDE program.
Now open a terminal and install SimulIDE
sudo apt install simulide
After the installation has been completed you should find it in the whisker menus under > Development (in Xubuntu only). Launch simulide. From the component list select an Arduino uno board and drag it to the circuit panel. In the editor panel load the Blink sketch you saved earlier in ArduinoEa folder.
Now click on settings above the editor panel and set the tool path to /home/user/ArduinoEa/arduino-ide_2.3.4_Linux_64bit/
Compile the Blink Sketch then click UpLoad. Now run the simulation and the led should flash.
Experiment with different delay times and UpLoad to test.
There are lots of information on youtube for the SimulIDE program. Here is a link is an excellent program and well worth the effort of getting it setup right. Thanks for all of the help from the forum.
OK I have finally got an installation that works with Arduino IDE Ver 2 and SimulIDE so I thought I would post the steps I followed for the benefit of other Linux/Ubuntu users.
The following setup works for Ubuntu and Xubuntu ver 24.04 :-
Make sure that the software is up to date.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
Make a new folder in home folder e.g. ArduinoEa.
Download the arduino ide – zip file for linux 64bit from this link
Once downloaded extract it to the ArduinoEa folder.
Create desktop launcher as shown below.
Create a file text file called Arduino IDE 2_3_4.desktop in the Desktop folder with the following text.
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Arduino IDE 2.3.4
Comment=Launch IDE ver 2 without sandbox
Exec=/home/username/ArduinoEa/arduino-ide_2.3.4_Linux_64bit/arduino-ide --no-sandbox
After saving the file change the properties to allow execution. Note the arduino ide runs with the no-sandbox option. Ubuntu 24.04 will not run the IDE in a sandbox due to permission requirements.
Once saved the launcher should add a new icon to the desktop. Double-click the new icon and the arduino IDE program should run.
Plug the arduino Uno board into a usb socket. In the IDE select Tools > Board > Arduino AVR board > Adruino Uno. Then select Tools > Port and click on the port where the board has been mounted.
Now select File >Examples > 01 Basics > Blink and compile and download the sketch to the Uno. The on-board led should flash every second. Compiling the sketch causes the IDE to create a tools folder .arduino15. This is essential for SimulIDE to compile Arduino sketches.
Change the delays on lines 34 and 36 from 1000 to 100. Now compile and download the sketch again. The led should now be flashing much faster.
Now select File > Save as and save your modified Blink sketch to the ArduinoEa folder. And close the IDE program.
Now open a terminal and install SimulIDE
sudo apt install simulide
After the installation has been completed you should find it in the whisker menus under > Development (in Xubuntu only). Launch simulide. From the component list select an Arduino uno board and drag it to the circuit panel. In the editor panel load the Blink sketch you saved earlier in ArduinoEa folder.
Now click on settings above the editor panel and set the tool path to /home/user/ArduinoEa/arduino-ide_2.3.4_Linux_64bit/
Compile the Blink Sketch then click UpLoad. Now run the simulation and the led should flash.
Experiment with different delay times and UpLoad to test.
There are lots of information on youtube for the SimulIDE program. Here is a link is an excellent program and well worth the effort of getting it setup right. Thanks for all of the help from the forum.

Quote from Alexey on February 2, 2025, 6:30 amQuote from arcachofo on December 19, 2024, 6:28 pmHi.
The steps to use Arduino compiler are these:
1- Download Arduino IDE from official website (Arduino from repositories does not work)
2- Extract.
3. Set tool path to this folder you extracted.Hello! I ran into the same problem on the macbook air m1 (macos Sequoia). The latest version of the Arduino IDE is installed from the official website. When you try to specify the path to the tools, the input field always remains empty. Please tell me how to fix the problem.
Quote from arcachofo on December 19, 2024, 6:28 pmHi.
The steps to use Arduino compiler are these:
1- Download Arduino IDE from official website (Arduino from repositories does not work)
2- Extract.
3. Set tool path to this folder you extracted.
Hello! I ran into the same problem on the macbook air m1 (macos Sequoia). The latest version of the Arduino IDE is installed from the official website. When you try to specify the path to the tools, the input field always remains empty. Please tell me how to fix the problem.