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Help with Ubuntu and Arduino simulation

Hi I am new to the forum and am looking for some help to get started. There is lots of information and how-to’s on the internet but mostly for windows users. I am a Linux user and am struggling to get started. I am interested in Arduino Uno projects but can’t even get the simple blink sketch to run.

When I load the blink.ino the IDE reports :-

“Arduino Compiler successfully loaded.”

but when I try to compile I get the errors:-

“: Executable not found

: Check that Tool Path is correct

WARNING: Compilation Not Done”

Simple question – what should go into the tool path option of the compiler settings?

Also could someone point me in the direction of a guide for Linux users and arduino simulation?

OS = Ubuntu 24.04

simulIDE ver 1.1.0 R1912

arduino IDE ver 1.8.19

Regards MA


The steps to use Arduino compiler are these:

1- Download Arduino IDE from official website (Arduino from repositories does not work)
2- Extract.
3. Set tool path to this folder you extracted.

Hi Arcachofo

That solved the problem. Thank you so much - I have spent hours trying  to resolve this. I have tried several versions and the appimage but not this one (:-).

Now I just need to tidy  up my installation.

Thanks Again MA

Ooops spoke too soon. Have removed the Old version (1.8.6) of arduino installed from the ubuntu repository but simulIDE is still using the old compiler :-

"Used platform Version Path

arduino:avr 1.8.6 /home/martin/.arduino15/packages/arduino/hardware/avr/1.8.6"

I've tried removing (renaming) .arduino15 but compile then fails with this error message:-

"Error during build: Platform 'arduino:avr' not found: platform not installed

Try running `arduino-cli core install arduino:avr`"

Running - arduino-ide_2.3.4_Linux_64bit (downloaded from the arduino website) creates another .arduino15 directory but this doesn't appear to contain the software (I assume command line compiler) that it's looking for.

I could could use the old version of the compiler but it seems a shame to not use the latest.

I suspect that the old installation has altered an environment variable which has been left after removal but I am not sure what I am looking for.

Any further help would be appreciated.