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Error of the Analog Mux component (R1431, R2068)

The user of the telegram channel drew attention to an error in the operation of the 74HC4051 subcircuit. The error occurs due to incorrect operation of the Analog MUX component. This error was noticed in the program versions R1431, R2068. The problem needs to be solved, because many subcircuits have been made based on Analog MUX. Thanks in advance.

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I think that with the OFFICIAL PRIMITIVE it works...
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I don´t see any problem with the Analog Mux.
The problem is that the Logic Analyzer inputs are ideal, their impedance admittance to ground is zero (not connected to ground).

I think I will add a property for Logic Analyzer and Oscilloscope to configure the input impedance, because some people get confused by this issues.

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