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Debug Two MCUs on a Schematic


I tried to simulate a circuit having two ATmega8 MCUs (master and slave connected with a simple 3-wire home-protocol).
In their properties, I specified for each its hex file (firmware); for example, T28dc_01.hex (master) and T28dc_02.hex (slave).

If I run the debugger for T28dc_02.asm, the schematic doesn’t change.
But, whenever I run it for T28dc_01.asm, the firmware of the slave MCU (specified as T28dc_02.hex) is changed to T28dc_01.hex. Did I miss something?

I tested this with SimulIDE-R1689_Win32 and SimulIDE-R2259_Win32.

Thank you.



You need to choose which MCU is linked to te Editor/Compiler/Debugger (the one with yellow dot):

Got it. Thank you.