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Cannot download trunk versions for linux


I've always liked fidgeting with night-built versions and I tried to download one for linux, but the web page wouldn't allow me. It insisted on the Windows 64!!

About the new look I think it's much better. The editor for sending messages !! No colour!! Much more friendly, and the organisation of the web pages undoubtedly clearer. Still things to improve, but better indeed. Congratulations.

More information. Finally after struggling with the web page I managed to get a mail informing that I had the Windows 64 and the Linux 64 versions (unstable 1.1.0). But that wasn't true. I have none! Neither I have a specific link to download it.

What am I supposed to do?

By the way, this part of the download web is terrific. Very unfriendly. It doesn't match SimulIDE's worth.

I don't know if you are downloading the last builds:

Or the official versions:

I guess it is the latter, then the link is there:


Actually, both. And none finally works. The 1.1.0 because of the glibc problem, and the trunk one because I get nothing downloaded.

I'll see about the trunk  one, again. 

I don't get this screen:

probably because of this javascript error:

JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 3.4.1
bp-messages-free.min.js:2 The AudioContext was not allowed to start. It must be resumed (or created) after a user gesture on the page.
p @ bp-messages-free.min.js:2
init @ bp-messages-free.min.js:2
Howl.init @ bp-messages-free.min.js:2
i @ bp-messages-free.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ bp-messages-free.min.js:2
x6 @ bp-messages-free.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ bp-messages-free.min.js:2
p @ bp-messages-free.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ bp-messages-free.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ bp-messages-free.min.js:2
t @ bp-messages-free.min.js:2
s @ bp-messages-free.min.js:2 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()
amp-inabox.js:127 Powered by AMP ⚡ HTML – Version 2401291952000!2&fsb=1&dtd=632
simulide110:1 [Deprecation] ::-webkit-details-marker pseudo element selector is deprecated. Please use ::marker instead. See for more details.
webpack-commons-e64d5b93a6d2b71dbde5.js:1 Uncaught TypeError: Object.hasOwn is not a function
    at i (webpack-commons-e64d5b93a6d2b71dbde5.js:1)
    at webpack-commons-e64d5b93a6d2b71dbde5.js:1
    at Object.21832 (webpack-commons-e64d5b93a6d2b71dbde5.js:1)
    at c (webpack-runtime-837e3b782aad31c9febc.js:1)
    at Object.98618 (webpack-commons-e64d5b93a6d2b71dbde5.js:1)
    at c (webpack-runtime-837e3b782aad31c9febc.js:1)
    at Object.98376 (product-6ee9bef36d79bbe52f5c.js:1)
    at c (webpack-runtime-837e3b782aad31c9febc.js:1)
    at product-6ee9bef36d79bbe52f5c.js:1
    at Function.c.O (webpack-runtime-837e3b782aad31c9febc.js:1)
i @ webpack-commons-e64d5b93a6d2b71dbde5.js:1
(anonymous) @ webpack-commons-e64d5b93a6d2b71dbde5.js:1
21832 @ webpack-commons-e64d5b93a6d2b71dbde5.js:1
c @ webpack-runtime-837e3b782aad31c9febc.js:1
98618 @ webpack-commons-e64d5b93a6d2b71dbde5.js:1
c @ webpack-runtime-837e3b782aad31c9febc.js:1
98376 @ product-6ee9bef36d79bbe52f5c.js:1
c @ webpack-runtime-837e3b782aad31c9febc.js:1
(anonymous) @ product-6ee9bef36d79bbe52f5c.js:1
c.O @ webpack-runtime-837e3b782aad31c9febc.js:1
(anonymous) @ product-6ee9bef36d79bbe52f5c.js:1
r @ webpack-runtime-837e3b782aad31c9febc.js:1
(anonymous) @ product-6ee9bef36d79bbe52f5c.js:1
webpack-commons-e64d5b93a6d2b71dbde5.js:1 Could not find component registered with name ProductIframePage. Registered component names include [  ]. Maybe you forgot to register the component?
y @ webpack-commons-e64d5b93a6d2b71dbde5.js:1
(anonymous) @ webpack-commons-e64d5b93a6d2b71dbde5.js:1
v @ webpack-commons-e64d5b93a6d2b71dbde5.js:1
w @ webpack-commons-e64d5b93a6d2b71dbde5.js:1
A @ webpack-commons-e64d5b93a6d2b71dbde5.js:1
t @ webpack-commons-e64d5b93a6d2b71dbde5.js:1
c @ rocket-loader.min.js:1
l @ rocket-loader.min.js:1
t.simulateStateAfterDeferScriptsActivation @ rocket-loader.min.js:1
callback @ rocket-loader.min.js:1 @ rocket-loader.min.js:1
(anonymous) @ rocket-loader.min.js:1
(anonymous) @ rocket-loader.min.js:1
webpack-commons-e64d5b93a6d2b71dbde5.js:1 Uncaught Error: ReactOnRails encountered an error while rendering component: ProductIframePage. See above error message.
    at Object.get (webpack-commons-e64d5b93a6d2b71dbde5.js:1)
    at Object.getComponent (webpack-commons-e64d5b93a6d2b71dbde5.js:1)
    at y (webpack-commons-e64d5b93a6d2b71dbde5.js:1)
    at webpack-commons-e64d5b93a6d2b71dbde5.js:1
    at v (webpack-commons-e64d5b93a6d2b71dbde5.js:1)
    at w (webpack-commons-e64d5b93a6d2b71dbde5.js:1)
    at A (webpack-commons-e64d5b93a6d2b71dbde5.js:1)
    at HTMLDocument.t (webpack-commons-e64d5b93a6d2b71dbde5.js:1)
    at HTMLDocument.c (rocket-loader.min.js:1)
    at l (rocket-loader.min.js:1)
get @ webpack-commons-e64d5b93a6d2b71dbde5.js:1
getComponent @ webpack-commons-e64d5b93a6d2b71dbde5.js:1
y @ webpack-commons-e64d5b93a6d2b71dbde5.js:1
(anonymous) @ webpack-commons-e64d5b93a6d2b71dbde5.js:1
v @ webpack-commons-e64d5b93a6d2b71dbde5.js:1
w @ webpack-commons-e64d5b93a6d2b71dbde5.js:1
A @ webpack-commons-e64d5b93a6d2b71dbde5.js:1
t @ webpack-commons-e64d5b93a6d2b71dbde5.js:1
c @ rocket-loader.min.js:1
l @ rocket-loader.min.js:1
t.simulateStateAfterDeferScriptsActivation @ rocket-loader.min.js:1
callback @ rocket-loader.min.js:1 @ rocket-loader.min.js:1
(anonymous) @ rocket-loader.min.js:1
(anonymous) @ rocket-loader.min.js:1
simulide110:1 The resource was preloaded using link preload but not used within a few seconds from the window's load event. Please make sure it has an appropriate `as` value and it is preloaded intentionally.

I see this:

I'm taken to a three-download page if I click on SimulIDE: 0.4, 1.0 and 1.1, and get nowhere from here.

And from Downloads | Trunks I download the linux version and when run I get the GLIBC error.

I can't reproduce that error and there are thousands of downloads per month, so seems to be working for other people.
I have no idea why you get it.


And from Downloads | Trunks I download the linux version and when run I get the GLIBC error.

About that we already talked here: