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Can I use Simulide in college classes?


Hello, thank you very much for providing me with such a good program.

I am a professor at Hanseo University in Korea.

Can I use Simulide simulator in class?

Copyright may be an issue, so I would like to ask if it can be used in college classes, not for personal use.

Thank you

I am just another user of SimulIDE.

I recall I heard such a question in the past and the owner's answer was yes it could be also used in class.


Quote from penmakers on May 28, 2024, 2:21 am


Hello, thank you very much for providing me with such a good program.

I am a professor at Hanseo University in Korea.

Can I use Simulide simulator in class?

Copyright may be an issue, so I would like to ask if it can be used in college classes, not for personal use.

Thank you

Hi and sorry for the delay, i'm out and with limited access to the internet.

Yes you can use SimulIDE in college classes, no problem at all.
SimulIDE is released under the open source license GPLv3


I'm a professor, too. I've been using SimulIDE in Heilbronn university since 2020, and it's getting better and better 🙂

I fully integrated it into my course on embedded coding (link to translated course), where the students learn to code for Atmega88 / Atmega328 in Microchip Studio. I also provide my students with some libs for SimulIDE displays and more.

We even established "digital twins" for our MEXLE electronics kit. In some student projects, they were directly rewriting the simulide code, with "average success". But with the rise of scripted components, it is now much easier to implement missing ICs. One student successfully implemented a scripted component for the Bosch sensor BME280 (temperature, pressure, and humidity with an I2C interface). I have to share it here on the forum one time...

I think SimulIDE helps the student understand the microcontrollers better. It enables them to look under the hood (i.e., into the registers), without fiddling around with a debugger. Also, the ability to stop the simulation with a trigger from the logic analyzer is a big plus.

Within the last 4 years, my students and I have also supported SimulIDE with 100+ bug-reports and feature requests (in the old forum), such as a localized translation of the program.  I think participating is the best way to show support - beyond pure money 🤑. 

We can get in touch if you like; just send me a private message.

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