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Arduino sketch debugging function does not work


使用 Arduino IDE 2.3.2 编译器测试,草图调试功能不起作用,SimulIDE_1.1.0-SR0_Win64

Please use english in this forum.
It's better that you use a translator one time than everybody using a translator every time they read your messages.

In the picture seems that the debugger is actually running.
But the output in the bottom panel doesn't show the compilation.
Unfortunately I don't understand what is that message.
Please translate the text in the bottom panel and copy/paste here.

First of all, I praise the simplicity and effectiveness of this tool, especially the MCU monitoring and debugging features! Unfortunately, it is not possible to sponsor in RMB.

Tested with Arduino IDE 2.3.2 compiler, sketch debugging feature doesn't work, SimulIDE_1.1.0-SR0_Win64

There is no step-through icon, the debugging function does not actually work, and although the icon appears in the binary, it just stays there.

Thank you for the explanation and image.

Try this:
Don't open the hex file.
Only open the .ino file in the Editor and start the debugger.
If there is any error let me know what is the message in the bottom panel.

Try this:
Don't open the hex file.
Only open the .ino file in the Editor and start the debugger.
If there is any error let me know what is the message in the bottom panel.

You can't debug without opening the hexadecimal file.

Ok, we found the problem.
It is the same than this one:

It is about Arduino version:
Seems that Arduino IDE 2.3.2 has changed (again) just enough to make simulide not find some paths.

You can keep an eye on tester builds:
This issue will be fixed for next one.

You can also use an older version of Arduino IDE.

OscarES has reacted to this post.

Thanks for the reply, come on!

Quote from arcachofo on June 29, 2024, 1:38 am

Ok, we found the problem.
It is the same than this one:

It is about Arduino version:
Seems that Arduino IDE 2.3.2 has changed (again) just enough to make simulide not find some paths.

You can keep an eye on tester builds:
This issue will be fixed for next one.

You can also use an older version of Arduino IDE.

I had the same problem and this update has solved it.
Thank you very much!

arcachofo has reacted to this post.