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Alternating voltage and phase shift

I'm doing some tests with alternating current to simulate the phase shift with inductance and capacitance.

If I put a capacitor in parallel to the transformer the waveform becomes strange.

This is how it should be, I attach an image.



Hi feri, can you share your circuit?

The strange waveform was solved by bringing Reactive step 0 us to Reactive step 10000 us. the transformer phase shifts the voltage and current and by inserting a capacitor in parallel of a certain capacity the voltage and current return to phase.

I don't know if the values ​​correspond to reality but the principle is correct.

The capacitor in parallel with a resistive load should phase shift the current and voltage in the opposite way to the transformer.

In my test circuit the voltage and current remain in phase.

Uploaded files:

In another simulator


Phase shift detection with oscilloscope
