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351__USES OF THE INTEGRATED CIRCUIT 222. (Simulide R2162 or higher)
The 222 was created by the designer Michael A. Shustov to provide PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) solutions in a world that is replacing all analog treatment with PWM, such as audio amplifiers, motor control, etc. This achieves better power dissipation, better performance, lower distortion and better electrical noise immunity. Here we show a couple of simple examples of the application of this successful 222.
In the examples, the content of 222 is made visible, composed of two operational ones: one free and another with the typical principle of the Schmitt structure, both linked by their negative input. With this simple and brilliant arrangement you can achieve functions, especially for PWM, like those shown in our examples and which are very self-explanatory. On the Internet you can find many more that will help awaken your ingenuity to develop other new applications that with this simulator are convenient and cheap. (In the Simulide integrated circuit set there is its subcircuit as chip222).
This example integrates several subcircuits located in the "data" folder into the ZIP attached. This folder must always be next to the "sim1" scheme so that it can be executed. A subcircuit is a “custom” circuit that accumulates a set of Simulide base components (primitive function) to obtain a new or an adapted function. These subcircuits are treated by Simulide as another component of its own structure. User can create his own subcircuits or use the ones published here in your own designs once the procedure is known, explained in detail in the Simulide tutorials:
* Communication with the author: Simulide/User/Messages/Defran
P. de Francisco.
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