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326_CHRISTMAS TREE.  (Simulide R2094 or higher.)

Christmas tree with colored lights flashing linearly and randomly. Simply load the project and run the program, the entire tree lights up non-stop.


Based on Arduino (Controller ATmega328), a set of 12 lines connected to as many outputs with 4 colored LEDs each and 2 more connected to the edges of the tree with yellow LEDs. The controller outputs are linked to the LEDs of the tree through “Simulide-tunnels” to avoid a tangle of cables. An oscillator with very low frequency is connected to A5 as a randomness seed.


The action of the program is to execute a series of random sequences to illuminate the colored LEDs linearly and the edge LEDs in a random digital connection. No library is used and the most used main instruction is: V4=random(60,255); analogWrite(L4, V4); delay(reta). The random values will range between 60 so that the LED does not turn off completely and 255 for its maximum illumination.


int L2=2;
int L3=3; 
int L4=4;    int V4=0;   int delV4=0;
int L5=5;    int V5=0;   int delV5=0;   
int L6=6;    int V6=0;   int delV6=0;
int L7=7;    int V7=0;   int delV7=0;
int L8=8;    int V8=0;   int delV8=0;
int L9=9;    int V9=0;   int delV9=0;
int L10=10;  int V10=0;  int delV10=0;
int L11=11;  int V11=0;  int delV11=0;
int L12=12;  int V12=0;  int delV12=0;
int L13=13;
int L14=14;
int L15=15;
int L16=16;
int L17=17;
int reta=20;            // DELAY LEDS
int retal=10;           // DELAY PENDING LED

void setup() 
  pinMode(L2,  OUTPUT);  // PENDING
  pinMode(L3,  OUTPUT);  // PENDING
  pinMode(L4,  OUTPUT);  // RED
  pinMode(L5,  OUTPUT);  // GREEN
  pinMode(L6,  OUTPUT);  // BLUE
  pinMode(L7,  OUTPUT);  // YELLOW
  pinMode(L8,  OUTPUT);  // ORANGE
  pinMode(L9,  OUTPUT);  // MAGENTA
  pinMode(L10, OUTPUT);  // CYAN
  pinMode(L11, OUTPUT);  // WHITE
  pinMode(L12, OUTPUT);  // ___________
  pinMode(L13, OUTPUT);  // MONITOR
  pinMode(L14, OUTPUT);  // RED_STAR
  pinMode(L15, OUTPUT);  // GREEN_STAR
  pinMode(L16, OUTPUT);  // BLUE_STAR
  pinMode(L17, OUTPUT);  // FOCO
  digitalWrite(L13, HIGH);

void loop() 
  digitalWrite(L2, HIGH); delay(retal);                    // 2_PENDING
  V4=random(60,255); analogWrite(L4, V4); delay(reta);      // A_RED
  digitalWrite(L2, LOW);  delay(retal);                    // 2_PENDING
  digitalWrite(L3, HIGH); delay(retal);                    // 3_PENDING
  V5=random(60,255); analogWrite(L5, V5); delay(reta);      // B_GREEN
  V6=random(60,255); analogWrite(L6, V6); delay(reta);      // C_BLUE
  digitalWrite(L3, LOW); delay(retal);                     // 3_PENDING
  digitalWrite(L17, HIGH); delay(retal);                   // FOCO
  V7=random(60,255); analogWrite(L7, V7); delay(reta);      // D_YELLOW
  V8=random(60,255); analogWrite(L8, V8); delay(reta);      // E_ORANGE
  V9=random(60,255); analogWrite(L9, V9); delay(reta);      // F_MAGENTA
  V10=random(60,255); analogWrite(L10, V10); delay(reta);   // G_CYAN
  V11=random(60,255); analogWrite(L11, V11); delay(reta);   // H_WHITW
  digitalWrite(L17, LOW); delay(retal);                    // 7_FOCO


This example integrates several subcircuits located in the "data" folder into the ZIP attached. This folder must always be next to the "sim1" scheme so that it can be executed. A SUBCIRCUIT is a “custom” circuit that accumulates a set of Simulide base components (primitive function) to obtain a new or an adapted function. These subcircuits are treated by Simulide as another component of its own structure.  User can create his own subcircuits once the procedure is known, explained in detail in the simulide tutorials:  Subcircuit tutorial in Simulide.

* Communication with the author: Simulide/User/Messages/Defran

P. de Francisco.


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