SimulIDE 1.1.0-SR0 (Stable Release 0) available for download.

Hello everybody. I Hope you are doing very well.

I’m glad to announce that the first “stable” release for 1.1.0 is available for download:

The documentation is being updated to match this version:
Still some work to do but it is progressing.
If you miss something please report in our forum to add it.

There is also a new repository for the development branch at GitHub:
Now on all the development will happen in this repo.

Next version is already being developed, with a strong focus in making easy to create and share custom components.
There is also plan to add a section in the website to share components.
So hopefully soon we will have many new components available.

This project is posible thanks to our Patrons, collaborators, donations and everybody who reported bugs, translated or contributed in any other way.

Don’t forget to report any problem in our forum.
Most problems are usually solved in a few days, so if you want something solved please report it.
If you don’t report maybe nobody else does and the problem remains unsolved.

Have a great day and thank you very much for your support!

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