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Weirdness with subcircuits

I was building a subcircuit wich contains subcircuits wich contain subcircuits wich contain subcircuits (4 level deep I think).

One of the inner subcircuits is suposed to be an 8bit register, and it works fine when i save a value on it inside the subcircuit im building, but when i try to save a value on the register in the outter subcircuit, it doesn't work at all, and each bit either doesnt save any bit on the register or saves a completely diferent one (for example, bit 0 doesnt save and bit 1 saves bit 7 iirc).

I think its the bug with nested subcircuits, but this time it involves buses, not regular wires

EDIT: the subcircuit with issues is the 8bit ALU, inside advanced components

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Yes, you are right, there something wrong with buses in nested subcircuits.
I'm investigating it.

average_simulide_enjoyer has reacted to this post.

The problem was related to bus lines with joints, and doesn't matter if nested or not.

it should be solved at last tester build.