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watching my variable at sdcc compiler for pic

I download the last version SimulIDE-R2056_Win32 to test but i found that i can't see my program variable in the variable list

this is my simple code and its compiled and run ok but as i toled befor i can't see my variable var1 and var2 at the list

//--use-non-free  -mpic14 -p12f675 -V
#define __12F675
#include <pic12F675.h>
typedef unsigned int word;

word __at 0x2007 __CONFIG = _BODEN_OFF &
                      _CPD_OFF &
                      _CP_ON &
                      _MCLRE_OFF &
                      _PWRTE_ON &
char var1;
char var2;

void delay(int mSec)
unsigned int i,j;
   for (i = mSec; i>0 ; i--)
      for (j = 110; j>0 ; j--);

void main(void)
   TRISIO = 0x08;
    ANSEL  = 0X00;
   CMCON = 0x07;          /* disable comparators */
   GPIO = 0X00 ; 
         {              /* Loop forever */
       var2 +=2;
      GPIO0 = !GPIO0; 
      GPIO1 = !GPIO1; 
      GPIO0 = !GPIO0; 
      GPIO1 = !GPIO1; 

and this is the debuge window output


Starting Debbuger...

"D:/SDCC/bin/sdcc" --use-non-free -mpic14 -p12f675 -o"D:/SimulIDE/SimulIDE-R2056_Win32/examples/Micro/Pic/MedTronic/C_Codes/SDCC/pic12f675/Blink/build\" "D:/SimulIDE/SimulIDE-R2056_Win32/examples/Micro/Pic/MedTronic/C_Codes/SDCC/pic12f675/Blink/Blink.c"

D:/SimulIDE/SimulIDE-R2056_Win32/examples/Micro/Pic/MedTronic/C_Codes/SDCC/pic12f675/Blink/build\Blink.asm:104:Message[1304] Page selection not needed for this device. No code generated.
D:/SimulIDE/SimulIDE-R2056_Win32/examples/Micro/Pic/MedTronic/C_Codes/SDCC/pic12f675/Blink/build\Blink.asm:172:Message[1304] Page selection not needed for this device. No code generated.
D:/SimulIDE/SimulIDE-R2056_Win32/examples/Micro/Pic/MedTronic/C_Codes/SDCC/pic12f675/Blink/build\Blink.asm:174:Message[1304] Page selection not needed for this device. No code generated.
D:/SimulIDE/SimulIDE-R2056_Win32/examples/Micro/Pic/MedTronic/C_Codes/SDCC/pic12f675/Blink/build\Blink.asm:195:Message[1304] Page selection not needed for this device. No code generated.
D:/SimulIDE/SimulIDE-R2056_Win32/examples/Micro/Pic/MedTronic/C_Codes/SDCC/pic12f675/Blink/build\Blink.asm:197:Message[1304] Page selection not needed for this device. No code generated.
D:/SimulIDE/SimulIDE-R2056_Win32/examples/Micro/Pic/MedTronic/C_Codes/SDCC/pic12f675/Blink/build\Blink.asm:218:Message[1304] Page selection not needed for this device. No code generated.
D:/SimulIDE/SimulIDE-R2056_Win32/examples/Micro/Pic/MedTronic/C_Codes/SDCC/pic12f675/Blink/build\Blink.asm:220:Message[1304] Page selection not needed for this device. No code generated.
D:/SimulIDE/SimulIDE-R2056_Win32/examples/Micro/Pic/MedTronic/C_Codes/SDCC/pic12f675/Blink/build\Blink.asm:241:Message[1304] Page selection not needed for this device. No code generated.
D:/SimulIDE/SimulIDE-R2056_Win32/examples/Micro/Pic/MedTronic/C_Codes/SDCC/pic12f675/Blink/build\Blink.asm:243:Message[1304] Page selection not needed for this device. No code generated.
message: Using default linker script "C:\Program Files\gputils\lkr\12f675_g.lkr".
warning: Relocation symbol "_cinit" [0x0000] has no section. (pass 0)
warning: Relocation symbol "_cinit" [0x0004] has no section. (pass 0)
warning: Relocation symbol "_cinit" [0x001E] has no section. (pass 0)
warning: Relocation symbol "_cinit" [0x0022] has no section. (pass 0)
warning: Relocation symbol "_cinit" [0x0000] has no section. (pass 0)
warning: Relocation symbol "_cinit" [0x0004] has no section. (pass 0)
warning: Relocation symbol "_cinit" [0x001E] has no section. (pass 0)
warning: Relocation symbol "_cinit" [0x0022] has no section. (pass 0)
warning: Relocation of section "UDL_idata_0" failed, relocating to a shared memory location.
warning: Relocation of section "UDL_Blink_0" failed, relocating to a shared memory location.
warning: Relocation of section "UD_Blink_0" failed, relocating to a shared memory location.
warning: Relocation of section "UD_Blink_1" failed, relocating to a shared memory location.
warning: Relocation of section "IDD_idata_0" failed, relocating to a shared memory location.

FirmWare Uploaded to p12F675-1(p12F675)

Searching for variables... 0 variables found

Mapping Flash to Source... 18 lines mapped

Debugger Started

please help

Best regards


I download the last version SimulIDE-R2056_Win32 to test but i found that i can't see my program variable in the variable list

this is my simple code and its compiled and run ok but as i toled befor i can't see my variable var1 and var2 at the list

That is because the compiler see that those variables are doing nothing in your program, so the compiler "optimizes" it and those variables are removed.

You can try to declare those variables as "volatile", but the compiler might optimize it anyways.