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Trying to run blinking 8051 code successfully

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Hi, I am trying to get 8051 successfully running.

I opened Micro/mcs-51_blink/mcs-51_test.sim1 from examples. I have SDCC 4.4.0 (MINGW32) installed. I'm using v1.0.0 SimulIDE for now. In the editor I compile and upload this code:

#include <8051.h>

#define Nop() __asm  nop __endasm

void delay_ms(unsigned int count) {
    unsigned int i, j;
    for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
	// 0.001s / (12Mhz / 12T) = 1000
        for (j = 0; j < 1000; j++) {

int main(void) {
    while (1) {
        P1_0 = 0;

        P1_0 = 1;

But I can't get anything happening with P1_0 LED.


8051.h is here


Your code works correctly for me in SimulIDE 1.0.0.


ivo has reacted to this post.

Okay... true, you are right. I just repeated my own instructions and it did run!! However maybe I also found the deeper cause of my troubles.

I tried to modify the delay counts to something obviously different. I saved the file, then clicked Compile, then UpLoad, and started the simulation again. I can see that obviously nothing has changed. It uses the old counts. So this is probably what happened to me. I was trying different ports, different LEDs, etc, and probably the same old code with some bug was constantly being used instead of anything new I tried.

I could only get the new code to take effect by first deleting all files in the /build directory where simulide had put them, and then recompiling and uploading the new code worked to effect the new behaviour. I wonder if this is SDCC or simulide just refusing to recompile properly or something if there's existing artifacts? Having to delete everything inside the directory every time would be a bit of a pain... (I noticed if I delete the directory itself, I get an error! next time - failed to open output file)

Curiously at least for this simulation I need a loop of

        for (j = 0; j < 165; j++) {

To get roughly a correct ms timing at least for this processor & compiler & simulator. I don't really have much idea where the number 165 should come from (apart from trial and error). I thought without the nop that SDCC might optimize the loop out of the assembly bit it seems not in this case. I still have some actual STC89C52's ( datasheet ) coming in the mail that I eventually want to test things out on. I'm guessing maybe using a timer might also be a lot more accurate.

Seems that SDCC wont ovewrite a file if it already exist.
Not sure if there is an option to force it.

If not, you can fix this by adding a step to delete the hex file in the compiler file:
For example in Linux:

<compiler name="SDCC" type="sdcc" buildPath="build" >
        arguments=" $buildPath$fileName.hex"
        arguments=" -o$buildPath $filePath"


I don't really have much idea where the number 165 should come from (apart from trial and error).

You count asm instructions.
Look at the assembler and see what it really does and count cycles:

;	8051-blink.c:5: void delay_ms(unsigned int count) {
;	-----------------------------------------
;	 function delay_ms
;	-----------------------------------------
	ar7 = 0x07
	ar6 = 0x06
	ar5 = 0x05
	ar4 = 0x04
	ar3 = 0x03
	ar2 = 0x02
	ar1 = 0x01
	ar0 = 0x00
	mov	r6,dpl
	mov	r7,dph
;	8051-blink.c:7: for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
	mov	r4,#0x00
	mov	r5,#0x00
	clr	c
	mov	a,r4
	subb	a,r6
	mov	a,r5
	subb	a,r7
	jnc	00109$
;	8051-blink.c:9: for (j = 0; j < 1000; j++) {
	mov	r2,#0xe8
	mov	r3,#0x03
;	8051-blink.c:10: Nop();
	mov	a,r2
	add	a,#0xff
	mov	r0,a
	mov	a,r3
	addc	a,#0xff
	mov	r1,a
	mov	ar2,r0
	mov	ar3,r1
;	8051-blink.c:9: for (j = 0; j < 1000; j++) {
	mov	a,r0
	orl	a,r1
	jnz	00105$
;	8051-blink.c:7: for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
	inc	r4
	cjne	r4,#0x00,00107$
	inc	r5
	sjmp	00107$
;	8051-blink.c:13: }


I'm guessing maybe using a timer might also be a lot more accurate.

For sure.


ivo has reacted to this post.

Unfortunately on Windows, del is normal command to delete files, but SIDE gives


: Executable not found

: Check that Tool Path is correct


Yes, I checked both upper and lower case

Probably there is not an executable named "del"

An option is to create an actual file that can be executed.
Maybe a batch?

For now, because I had msys64 installed through chocolatey, I could use


        arguments=" $buildPath$fileName.hex"

and it worked. I seem to need a buffer in front of the LED. I'm not sure if that's the case for all signals sent out. Thanks for your help, cool software

For now, because I had msys64 installed through chocolatey, I could use


command="C:\tools\msys64\usr\bin\rm" arguments=" $buildPath$fileName.hex" />

and it worked.

Good idea...


I seem to need a buffer in front of the LED. I'm not sure if that's the case for all signals sent out.

Yes, as far as I know all Ports in 8051 are open collector. So they can sink current at Low state but not at High state.
I don't remember if there is some Port that is configurable.

If you activate circuit animation you will see the type of input/output and state.
THose with "half arrows" are open collector, normal outputs have a "normal arrow", for example ALE or PSEN, and inputs have the arrow in the opposite direction, color represet state:

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