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Would it be possible to optionally configure by Properties that Switch Dip works as a multi-position switch so that pressing a new position disconnects the previous one?

Fizik_S has reacted to this post.

Yes, that's a good idea.

Indeed that is the solution for a "commutator" switch requested a few times.

And another wish for switches. Is it possible to make bundles of switches? For example, with one click the marked switches were turned on or off. That is, do it like with potentiometers - there are several adjustments with one nameplate.

Quote from Alex68 on December 22, 2023, 3:00 pm

And another wish for switches. Is it possible to make bundles of switches? For example, with one click the marked switches were turned on or off. That is, do it like with potentiometers - there are several adjustments with one nameplate.

Yes, something like that is planned:

It will be a button widget, then you can "link" it to other components that have buttons (switches, sources,etc).
Similar to the Dial widget that you can "link" to other dials in the circuit (potentiometer, sensors,etc).


Alex68 has reacted to this post.

And it is also possible to bring the switch contacts closer to real ones. That is, set the resistance of the switched contact. In reality, each contact has resistance in the on position.

Quote from Alex68 on December 22, 2023, 3:11 pm

And it is also possible to bring the switch contacts closer to real ones. That is, set the resistance of the switched contact. In reality, each contact has resistance in the on position.

Currently switches have a resistance of 1 mΩ, but it would be possible to add a property to configure it.

Alex68 has reacted to this post.

I meant closed contacts. They are less than 1 ohm. This is necessary if you pass a large current through these contacts, for example from incandescent lamps. Adjusting the resistance of these contacts would simulate real contacts. Including the relay.

I meant closed contacts. They are less than 1 ohm.

That's exactly what I said: switches have a resistance of 1 mΩ

It woks fine, thanks.

Uploaded files:

It woks fine, thanks.


I added a "Common Pin" property to be used with a common source like in your picture.
Also made it "linkable" and made Dial steps configurable.
SO now with a dial you can control several switches.
Also changed the color a bit to differentiate from led bar:

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