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simulIDE 1.1.0 R1 Error: the hex file does not exist.

I upgraded simulide from version 1.1.0-SR0 to 1.1.0-SR1. But in the new version I get an error that says that the hex file does not exist.

What am I missing to set up or am I doing wrong?
My sketch is very simple, just to try out the new version.
int led = 7;

void setup(){
pinMode(led, OUTPUT);

void loop(){
digitalWrite(led, HIGH);
digitalWrite(led, LOW);

the Circuit:

<circuit version="1.1.0-SR1" rev="2005" stepSize="1000000" stepsPS="1000000" NLsteps="100000" reaStep="1000000" animate="1" >

<item itemtype="Subcircuit" CircId="Uno-1" mainComp="false" Show_id="true" Show_Val="false" Pos="-156,-136" rotation="0" hflip="1" vflip="1" label="Uno-1" idLabPos="0,-20" labelrot="0" valLabPos="-16,20" valLabRot="0" Logic_Symbol="false">
<mainCompProps MainCompId="mega328-109" Frequency="16 MHz" Auto_Load="true" saveEepr="false" MainMcu="true" SerialMon="-1" />

<item itemtype="Led" CircId="Led-2" mainComp="false" Show_id="false" Show_Val="false" Pos="-220,-64" rotation="0" hflip="-1" vflip="1" label="Led-2" idLabPos="-16,-24" labelrot="0" valLabPos="-16,20" valLabRot="0" Color="Yellow" Grounded="true" Threshold="2.4 V" MaxCurrent="30 mA" Resistance="0.6 Ω" />

<item itemtype="Resistor" CircId="Resistor-3" mainComp="false" ShowProp="Resistance" Show_id="false" Show_Val="true" Pos="-180,-64" rotation="0" hflip="1" vflip="1" label="Resistor-3" idLabPos="-16,-24" labelrot="0" valLabPos="-16,6" valLabRot="0" Resistance="100 Ω" />

<item itemtype="Connector" uid="Connector-1" startpinid="Led-2-lPin" endpinid="Resistor-3-lPin" pointList="-204,-64,-196,-64" />

<item itemtype="Connector" uid="Connector-2" startpinid="Resistor-3-rPin" endpinid="Uno-1-7" pointList="-164,-64,-148,-64" />


The error:


"/usr/local/src/arduino-1.8.19/arduino-builder" -compile -hardware "/usr/local/src/arduino-1.8.19/hardware" -tools "/usr/local/src/arduino-1.8.19/tools-builder" -tools "/usr/local/src/arduino-1.8.19/hardware/tools/avr" -built-in-libraries "/usr/local/src/arduino-1.8.19/libraries" -fqbn=arduino:avr:uno -build-path "/home/usuario1/.local/share/simulide/codeeditor/buildIno/build" -build-cache "/home/usuario1/.local/share/simulide/codeeditor/buildIno/cache" "/home/usuario1/simulIDE/sketchbook/arduino/uno/prueba/prueba.ino"

Build folder: /home/usuario1/.local/share/simulide/codeeditor/buildIno


Arduino Board "arduino:avr:uno"

Error: Archivo hex no existe:



The sketch is not compiling.
Ussually you will not be able to use Arduino from Simulide in Linux if it is installed from package manager.
It should work if you download From Arduino.

Lazlo_lozla has reacted to this post.

I made a mistake when downloading the Arduino IDE. I downloaded the ARM version instead of the x86_64 version. I was able to fix the issue by reinstalling the correct version of the Arduino IDE. Thank you for your help!

arcachofo has reacted to this post.