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Shields not working in 1.1.0

Good Morning, 

I want to report a bug in the new unstable Version 1.1.0, in which the usage of Shields isn't working anymore. 

Also, is there any SimulIDE Version including scripted components as well as a functioning use of shields?

Thanks for the help.


I think that issue is solved in Rev 2194.
You can download it here (trunk):

Hmm... I just tried the SimulIDE-R2194_Win64 version in a clean Win10 VM but it seems to have still some issues.

My test was as follows:

  1. adaptation of the display-shield: ...\data\shields\LcdShield\LcdShield.sim1 : 
    1. tunnel for EN pin of Hd44780 renamed to 11
    2. tunnel for RS pin of Hd44780 renamed to 12
    3. shield saved, simulIDE restarted
  2. test with display example:  ...\examples\Outputs\Displays\hd44780\lcd_hd44780.sim1
    1. drag'n'drop of Lcd Shield from component sidebar
    2. Attaching to Arduino
    3. Start of simulation

Result: The original display in lcd_hd44780.sim1 shows "No Cursor" and so on, but the one on the Lcd Shield does not.


The described test works fine for SimulIDE_1.0.0-SR2_Win64 (R1449). In this "stable" version, both displays show the text.

I just tried the SimulIDE-R2194_Win64 version in a clean Win10 VM but it seems to have still some issues.

Hi Tim.
You are right, there are some issues.
I  tried opening an old example and it worked, but if I create  new one it does not work at all.
In addition if I save it the shield is not saved.

I'm working in it.
I will also add some examples (shields folder is empty).


I think Shields are working at Rev 2214.

Hi arcachofo,

sounds good. Could you put a trial version in the "Last builds for testing"?
Nils is a student of mine and eager to implement some Hookups 🙂 

Quote from TimFisch on February 25, 2024, 8:10 pm

Hi arcachofo,

sounds good. Could you put a trial version in the "Last builds for testing"?
Nils is a student of mine and eager to implement some Hookups 🙂 

Yes, I had plan to do it even before this bug report.
Just check a few things and It will be updated.

Looks good - the first tests worked fine.

Thanks 👍

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