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Sensor component creation


Just for my information - 

Is there a documentation of what is needed to created a new sensor component - or what would be the best method in short ?


There are many ways to create a component.
If you explain what do you want I can suggest some way to do it.


There are many ways to create a component.

Ah ok 🙂

I was wondering about having the MCP9808 temperature sensor ; the ds1621 is pratically nowhere to be found on the market nowadays. The MCP9808 has basically the same pins layout, also use an I2C bus, but different registers and a better resolution. I had a look at the source file, but could not figure out how it was integrated in the "big picture".

That one could be done with an Script, but it is not posible to do with the current implementation.
I added some functions that will allow to do it.
I need to do some testing and when it is working I wiil let you know.