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Hi guys.
I created a repository in GitHub for development:
So from now on all the new developments will happen at GitHub.

The project in Launchpad will keep releases and fixes for older active branches.

Fizik_S has reacted to this post.
Quote from arcachofo on March 24, 2024, 10:42 am

Hi guys.
I created a repository in GitHub for development:
So from now on all the new developments will happen at GitHub.

The project in Launchpad will keep releases and fixes for older active branches.

At last, I heard the sad news I was expecting since long.

I mean, 'github' has no right to let me download any of its free software. So, I have to accept, from now on, that the new 'simulIDE' has to join the best tools I knew in a world which I can't access.

Anyway, thank you very much, arcochofo, for your old versions of simulIDE which are great and very useful, the way they are.



Sorry KerimF, but I don't understand.

Quote from moglione on March 24, 2024, 9:07 pm

Sorry KerimF, but I don't understand.

He means that he prefers to lament than to find a soution for the challenges he face.
I know many people in similar situation and they find the way.

The situation is about some countries blocking people from other countries to access certain assets.
Or some countries blocking their own people from accessing assets located in other countries.

In any case nothing has changed for him or other people in regards to simulide, everything is the same other than the location of the development repository.


Quote from arcachofo on March 25, 2024, 2:26 am
Quote from moglione on March 24, 2024, 9:07 pm

Sorry KerimF, but I don't understand.

In any case nothing has changed for him or other people in regards to simulide, everything is the same other than the location of the development repository.

Good news. If I understood you well, the new versions, 'trunk' and 'stable', can be downloaded from your main site as usual.

Best wishes,


If I understood you well, the new versions, 'trunk' and 'stable', can be downloaded from your main site as usual.

Exactly, nothing about downloads has changed and there is no plan to change.


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