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Repeated Question, Did Someone Build an Ideal or Real VCO Model?

I was looking for an ideal VCO (Voltage Controlled Oscillator) model about 2 years ago.

I mean by an ideal VCO, a mathematical model whose symbol has one input (voltage) and one output (squarewave). And it is likely defined by three parameters in the least:

[1] Its gain (output frequency / input voltage), Hz / V

[2] Its lowest frequency (Fmin) when Vin = 0V

[2] Its highest frequency (Fmax) when Vin = 1V (or any other voltage)


 Arcachofo (the creator of simulIDE) showed me in detail how it could be done:

But I couldn’t make it 🙁 Then, I forgot about it because a VCO is usually not used in applications that need to be simulated by simulIDE.


But now, I am just curious to know if a certain VCO model was added, likely by an expert user of simulIDE, during the last 2 years.

Now it is much easier to make an VCO, but I think you are using an older version of Simulide.

Have you tried version 1.1.0-SR1?

The newest versions, I heard of and downloaded, are SimulIDE_1.1.0-R1973_Win32 and SimulIDE_1.1.0-SR0_Win32.


There is also 1.1.0-SR1:

KerimF has reacted to this post.

I downloaded it. Thank you.

Quote from arcachofo on November 5, 2024, 12:53 pm

Now it is much easier to make an VCO, but I think you are using an older version of Simulide.

Have you tried version 1.1.0-SR1?

I have it now. But I am not sure what to try.

I never wrote a script (or the like) because I couldn't download any advanced compiler to run it and become familiar to how to use it.

When necessary, I simply use the very old *.bat for DOS or write a DOS program in C language (compiled by BorlandC 3.1).