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R2162. TINY85 AND OLED SSD1306. Pending to test it in a real circuit.

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In this new version the SSD1306 OLED screen starts to work. I have done several tests and I observe strange behavior when changing to 128x32 and 128x64. Likewise when the positioning of the texts is changed. Play with these values and you will see the inconsistencies. Thank you.
I am waiting for the response. Thank you so much.
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Thanks, I will have a look.

I was curious and checked my own circuit with an SSD1306. I could change from 128x64 to 128x32 and vise versa and the display keep on functioning like expected. Sure, the lower half wasn't visible when switching to 128x32 but it came back (including the content of that area) when setting it to 128x64.

The XY positioning of the texts in 128x32 does not work, in 128x64 it works better, but as if it were 128x32. Make modifications to my program and you will see the effects.
Thank you for your attention and for the work carried out.


And, please use the attached libs for the test... other versions may not work well, thanks.

And, of course, I am always talking about the behavior of the OLED using Simulide, under simulation. When testing in the real world, other things can happen.


Do this, please...

I took your example without recompiling the sketch and it's just working ... This is Rev 2162 of Simulide

Yes, but analyze the X and Y coordinates. In pixels X must go from 0 to 128 and Y from 0 to 64. The positions seen in the texts do not correspond to the assigned pixels in the program in Y (in pixels), X seems fine in pixels


An other example with the Y...

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