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No good sound with Arduino Mega + Mozzi audio lib

Hi everyone.
I'm planning to create a synthetiser, and before, i need to simulate some things^^

I made a circuit with the mega i use, made the circuit i use physicaly for the sound (a sort of passive filter)

In simulIde, it compil, it's upload, but when running nothing (in advance, my mizzi lib is configured for this output mode)

Does someboddy ave aany intel ? (sorry for my english)

A screenshot of the ide view is in the zip (because png are not allowed)



You are compiling for Arduino Uno, not Mega:


You must choose the proper Board  at "Compiler Settings":

Thank you for your response.
I had fixed this hint just after posting .
Same result.
I tried with the virtual oscilloscope on all outputs .... nothing 


"F:/SimulIDE_1.0.0-SR2_Win64/arduino-ide_2.3.4_Windows_64bit/resources/app/lib/backend/resources/arduino-cli.exe" compile --no-color --fqbn=arduino:avr:megaADK --build-path "C:/Users/Utilisateur/AppData/Local/simulide/codeeditor/buildIno/build" --build-cache-path "C:/Users/Utilisateur/AppData/Local/simulide/codeeditor/buildIno/cache" "F:/SimulIDE_1.0.0-SR2_Win64/projects/mozzi/mozzi.ino"

Build folder: C:/Users/Utilisateur/AppData/Local/simulide/codeeditor/buildIno
Arduino Board "arduino:avr:megaADK"

I'm supposed to see something between a square and a sine waveform around 440h .....

Seems that it is working for me, for Arduino Mega the output is Pin 11.