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Limited model of Acid Battery


It is about a very limited model of an acid battery. It is based on the following approximated calculations:

Capacity [Q, AH]: 100 AH
Discharge current [I, A]: 20 A
Discharge time [Q/I. sec]: Q/I = 5 h = 18,000 sec
Initial voltage [V]: 24 V
End of discharge voltage [V]: 20 V
During the discharge time, the battery acts as a capacitor C and a voltage source (20V) in series:
C = I * dt / dv = 20 * 18000 / (24-20) = 180,000 F

On the schematic (AcidBattModel_1.sim1, attached), I got 0V instead of 24V (Vbatt=20V + initial Vc=4V).

Limited Model of an Acid Battery

I tested it with SimulIDE-R2259_Win32. I might have missed something.



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There is a weird connector between Battery and Ground.
Remove both and add new ones.

Thank you again for your prompt reply.

Usually when I try making a connection and there was already a hidden one at a node, simulIDE refuses to add a new track.

I wonder now how I was able to fool simulIDE 🙂 by making multi traces between those two nodes!Â