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Install SimulIDE on a Raspberry PI 4 using Bookworm OS...

I have read lots of really good reviews and wanted to install on a Pi running Bookworm OS.

I was able to download and extract and there is an exe - simulide. I run this and nothing.

Are there any steps I missed or any issues which would cause this app to not run.

OK, I was able to resolve the install issue by doing the following.


sudo apt-get instal simulide


That is very specific and might want to put together some instructions as some people may not install stuff in linux enough to remember that...

Debian bookworm still has a fairly old version of simulide but testing and unstable have recent versions. I also created debian packages for the latest revision in trunk but they are for amd64. You try to install the package from testing, but it may miss some of the dependencies. You may find some more information at

I just saw, that the debian package isn't build for arm architecture. That means, there is no package for the raspberry pi.

In addition SimulIDE 1.1.0 has some problems to compile in ARM related to script JIT compiler:

I plan to fix this for the stable release.
Scripts will be much slower in ARM but it should work.