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Incorrect .desktop and icon files


I now see that the readme file says that we should change the .desktop file as we'd like, so this post might not have been needed.


I am trying to package the application for Nixpkgs, and while working on it, I saw a few small issues

I saw that you have a simulide.desktop file in the resources directory. The file is pretty outdated and doesn't follow the specification

There's an extra space in the first line of the file

Version shouldn't be the version of the program, it should be the specification version being followed (1.0.0 is fine)

The Icon and Exec properties are currently hardcoded to a path, which is not useful if it can be installed anywhere.
Setting Exec to simulide will use the program named simulide that can be accessed through  the PATH environment variable.
Setting Icon to simulide will try to search for an  icons/hicolor/256x256/apps/simulide.png file
Currently, simulide.png is in the wrong folder (it's inside 256x256 instead of 256x256x/apps)

Changing the icon path will require package repositories to change the path also, which might be a bit annoying for them.

These are only small issues and I can work around it easily by moving the files in the install step, nothing urgent.




I now see that the readme file says that we should change the .desktop file as we'd like, so this post might not have been needed.

It's always good to know.

That desktop file was just an example, but in any case I changed it to be usable in cases like this.

Also reorganized icons: now all icons are at resources/icons.
It is up to the user to install them wherever they need.