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Incorrect connection of pins of two instances of custom package.

In file dig3display_test.sim1 pins with similar labels (ids) from two different instances are connected for some reason. 

Module is included by adding in Simulide/data/custom.xml and package dig3display and deps

Circuit simulation

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Hi, thanks for reporting.

I found that the problem happens with 2 levels of nesting in subcircuits.
I think I have it solved, if you want to help testing the solution let me know which OS are you using and I will build executables for you to test.

I use windows 11.

One more problem on windows is permanent crushes if programm without any reason.

Can you try this one with your suncircuits?  simulide_1.1.0_win64_test


One more problem on windows is permanent crushes if programm without any reason.

Well... with that information I can't do much.
If you can explain a little bit more maybe I can try to fix.

Simulations works diferrently in different versions. (Even simple subcircuit sum8bit doesn't work in corrected version, while it works in 1.1.0)

Simulation in current versionSimulation in corrected version


Sorry, seems that I "disconnected" a little bit too much.

This one should work: simulide_1.1.0_Win64_test

artemUserovich has reacted to this post.

Now it's works