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I'm going nuts with this circuit!!!!

Can anybody help me?

I'm on a sequential circuits course and I have to design a circuit with three T Flip-flops which states go : 0->1->2->4->5->6->0. States 3 and 7 are forbidden.

My solution coincides with the teacher's but not with simulIDE. What am I doing wrong?

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The circuit is working ok for me, lines A, B, C fit the truth table.
But Leds are connected to DA, DB, DC.

When you say the circuit is working OK for you, what do you mean? LEDS have to be connected to DA, DB and DC, don't they? They should turn on successively showing the corresponding 'numbers':

001, 010, 100, 101, 110, 000 ... and on

or a least that's what I expect. In fact, a similar circuit with FF-D work perfectly. Sending you the circuit

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When you say the circuit is working OK for you, what do you mean?

I mean just what I said: " lines A, B, C fit the truth table."


LEDS have to be connected to DA, DB and DC, don't they? They should turn on successively showing the corresponding 'numbers':

001, 010, 100, 101, 110, 000 ... and on

What I see in the truth table is A,B,C, not DA,DB,DC
So if you want to check the Leds against the truth table you should connect the Leds to A,B,C, isn't it?
Or am I missing something?

 Sorry, perhaps it's me who is missing something. I don't want to check the LEDS against the truth table. What I want is to show the circuit states (0,1,2,4,5,6,..) through the LEDS.

I may be wrong, but what I understand is that the functions that describe the Flip-Flop behaviours: DA, DB, DC; calculated from the truth tables and the Karnaugh maps applied to the LEDS should show the FF's states, shouldn't it?

As a matter of fact, SimulIDE is actually showing what the functions say. Have a look at the Excel. The headers are the functions (DA, DB, DC) and their values

So it must me who is missing something. Summing it up: How can I show the states of the circuit through LEDS? connecting them to the ABC values?


OK, you were right. If I connect the truth table values instead of the funcions DA, DB and DC, to the LEDS I get the expected behaviour. Now I have to reconsider it and understand it.
