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How to compile SimulIDE?

How to compile SimulIDE??? On QT or even on the console for Windows?


You can compile Simulide like any other Qt application.
Using QT Creator or in a terminal cd to build_XX folder, then:

$ qmake
$ make

You must install all depenedencies:

  • Qt5Core
  • Qt5Gui
  • Qt5Xml
  • Qt5svg
  • Qt5Widgets
  • Qt5Concurrent
  • Qt5 Multimedia
  • Qt5 Multimedia Plugins
  • Qt5 Serialport

Hi. In old forum I believe I have created some detailed compilation guide, but I can't find it anymore.

I recently realized that there is new forum as I didn't used this project for a long time...

Edit: I have found it.

However, I do not know this is still valid. I will try myself on new Linux distro...

sudo apt install qt5-qmake qt5-default qttools5-dev-tools
sudo apt install libqt5svg5-dev libqt5serialport5-dev qtmultimedia5-dev

This installed all what is needed on KDE Neon. Then:

make all -j8

Parameter -j8 will force 8 jobs when compile.

That should be all.