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hotkey to restart simulation and related stuff

it would be good for productivity to have a keyboard shortcut to restart the simulation on a keypress

i use an external editor and compiler, so i want to alt-tab into simulide after compiling and press a key to reflash and restart the simulation

this eventlistener seems to do theĀ  trick:

void MainWindow::keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent* event) {
    int key = event->key();
    if( key == Qt::Key_F5 )CircuitWidget::self()->powerCircOn();


it would be even cooler if it was possible to send messages to Simulide from external processes to do this and maybe other stuff too

example use cases could be:

  • simulating complex computer <-> device communication
  • integration to external debugger
  • automatically setting various states for the simulation

I think named Pipes (Windows) / FiFo files (Linux) would be a good approach,
maybe also shared memory.

it would be good for productivity to have a keyboard shortcut to restart the simulation on a keypress

i use an external editor and compiler, so i want to alt-tab into simulide after compiling and press a key to reflash and restart the simulation

this eventlistener seems to do the trick:

void MainWindow::keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent* event) {
    int key = event->key();
    if( key == Qt::Key_F5 )CircuitWidget::self()->powerCircOn();


Yes, a shortcut for restarting the simulation can be useful.
Will you do a PR?


it would be even cooler if it was possible to send messages to Simulide from external processes to do this and maybe other stuff too

example use cases could be:

  • simulating complex computer <-> device communication
  • integration to external debugger
  • automatically setting various states for the simulation

I think named Pipes (Windows) / FiFo files (Linux) would be a good approach,
maybe also shared memory.

By now I don't see any use case that justify implementing something like this.
I think this should be discussed in relation to some particular use case.