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Help with subcircuit/scripted circuit

I was wondering if there was some way to create a circuit/chip for measuring resistance of a circuit.

Im building some circuits with transistors and stuff and it's annoying to get the equivalent resistance of a specific section, mostly input and output resistances.

I was wondering if it was possible to make a pseudo-ohmmeter.

For the input resistance or a resistance in a part of the circuit, a simple scripted chip that takes in a voltage in 2 pins and the current going tru it in other 2 inputs, or share one of the voltage pins to share. I just don't know how to make a display that shows the value of the resistance by doing V/I


And for output resistance, a scripted circuit that can read the open circuit voltage, then short to ground and measure the current, and do V/I and display it


Anyone knows if this is possible?