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Hardcoded gcc when compiling for Mac

Saw that there was a hardcoded path added for gcc to the build steps for when building for MacOS in this commit:

Could I know why this was done? Did the program not work properly with clang?

(I do not have a Mac but I want to make a working package for Nixpkgs which compiles both on Linux and MacOS)


That is done because in Mac seems imposible to compile with gcc unless you force it this way.
SimulIDE is developed with gcc and does not compile in clang so easy.

And just a slightly related question: does this run on anything other than the x86 architecture?

(this was probably answered somewhere on the website, sorry)

And just a slightly related question: does this run on anything other than the x86 architecture?

Never tried to compile for any other architecture, but I guess it should be possible.


Quote from arcachofo on December 14, 2023, 9:46 pm

And just a slightly related question: does this run on anything other than the x86 architecture?

Never tried to compile for any other architecture, but I guess it should be possible.


Okay, currently the automated builder of Nixpkgs fails for aarch64-linux here are the logs:

There's a lot of "undefined reference to assembler::" type errors.

No idea what causes it, but I don't really care for this version a lot anyways.

I see... that is the JIT compiler for the script language.
It only works for x86. 

The JIT compiler could be deactivated but this is not a good thing.