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Errors in properties dialogs


there are several errors in properties dialogs.

The units Steps, bits, Leds, 8x8 led, Rows, Cols, Bauds, Bits, px, Gates, Channels, pins, Cells, Pixels and Spaces are not translated.

Frequency of I2C bus has only unit KHz and not range from pHz to THz. The "K" in "KHz" is capital and should be small "k".

Properties of HD44780 are not translated at all.

Pulses of servo have unit us only and not range from ps to Ts.

Tab Config of serial port and serial terminal is not translated.

Label of Tab Main of DS1307 and ESP01 is not translated.

Tab Main of Ternary logic components, IC 74 components, IC CD components, USSR IC components, Other components is not on the left, but it is on the right.


Tested trunk revision 2260.


Hi, thanks.

The units Steps, bits, Leds, 8x8 led, Rows, Cols, Bauds, Bits, px, Gates, Channels, pins, Cells, Pixels and Spaces are not translated.

Units in properties are no translatable.
In several cases you mention, unit is not even needed, for example: Rows = 8 Rows. I deleted these.
Some cases are not really translatable or are widely used: bit, pixel (px).
There are still some remaining that could be included in the property name or something like that, for example: Quality (steps).


Frequency of I2C bus has only unit KHz and not range from pHz to THz. The "K" in "KHz" is capital and should be small "k".

Pulses of servo have unit us only and not range from ps to Ts.

In these cases multiplier is not needed: kHz os us is the only unit needed.


Tab Main of Ternary logic components, IC 74 components, IC CD components, USSR IC components, Other components is not on the left, but it is on the right.

Yes, this happens with all subcircuits.
I still have to think in a solution for this.


Properties of HD44780 are not translated at all.

Tab Config of serial port and serial terminal is not translated.

Label of Tab Main of DS1307 and ESP01 is not translated.

These are solved in last commits.

Units in properties are no translatable.

Hi, it is weird. For example the height and width units in the oscilloscope are translatable.

Hi, it is weird. For example the height and width units in the oscilloscope are translatable.

That's an error, I will remove it fron translations.
Anyway it should not cause problems in this case.