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display hd44780

ciao a tutti, ho un problema con il display HD44780, credo che sia un bug. lo shift del cursore tramite il comando " Cursor or Display shift" non lavora.

Lo shift del display è ok, mentre lo shift del corsore è ko.
Con altri simulatori il tutto è ok, quindi credo che non sia un problema di codice.

Hi everyone, I have a problem with the HD44780 display, I think it's a bug. 
Shifting the cursor using the "Cursor or Display shift" command does not work.
The display shift is ok, while the cursor shift is ko. With other simulators everything is ok, so I think it's not a code problem. Thank you


Hi. Thanks for reporting.

You are right, Cursor Shift is not working at all, so bug confirmed.
It will be solved as soon at possible.

michele has reacted to this post.

hello @arcachofo, thanks for upgrade, the problem is half resolved.

the rigth shift is ok, but the left shift don't work.

the left shift command move the cursor at rigth.


That's weird, can you share your code and circuit?

😅 @arcachofo you're right, the shifts are ok.

Excuse me, i made a coding error 🫣🫣



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