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Disable properties

17 Posts
#1 · December 3, 2024, 7:03 pm
Quote from feri on December 3, 2024, 7:03 pmHello I would like to deactivate and reactivate some component properties.
I tried to use for example:
addPropGroup( { tr("Dial"), Dialed::dialProps(), groupNoCopy } ); and remPropGroup(tr("Dial"));
but addPropGroup only works in the constructor.
Basically I can add the "Dialed" property group but I can't remove it.
If I don't add it in the constructor then I can't add it.
I would be fine even if the "Dialed" property group was not selectable. Regards
Hello I would like to deactivate and reactivate some component properties.
I tried to use for example:
addPropGroup( { tr("Dial"), Dialed::dialProps(), groupNoCopy } ); and
but addPropGroup only works in the constructor.
Basically I can add the "Dialed" property group but I can't remove it.
If I don't add it in the constructor then I can't add it.
I would be fine even if the "Dialed" property group was not selectable. Regards
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Last edited on December 3, 2024, 7:04 pm by feri

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