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Debian package of SimulIDE

Hi all,

I've build a debian package and consider uploading it into the official debian repositories. Before, I would like to know where the official source code of SimulIDE is located which can be referenced in the package.

Hi steinm.

Source code is at:

Link is also at home page.

I found that, but is there any source code release that could be watched? I found the binary download files but not source code release.

Quote from steinm on December 8, 2023, 1:35 pm

I found that, but is there any source code release that could be watched? I found the binary download files but not source code release.

No there is no file to download.
The source code is in the repository.

Any plans to make a source code release? That would make it much easier to update the debian package by just running uscan.

Yes, I can do it.

I guess you are using the "stable" release 1.0.0.
A new release 1.0.0-SR2 will be published soon, maybe that is choice to make a package.

I'm actually using 1.1.0-RC0 and also build a debian package based on revision id 2077. Since you have binary packages for 1.1.0-RC0 I wouldn't mind to use that for the official debian package. But having 1.0.0 would be great as well.

1.1.0 is still unstable, mostly for testing.
TheĀ  stable release is planned for March 2024.