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Custom Dark Theme for SimulIDE

Hey everyone,

I've put together a dark theme for SimulIDE and wanted to share it with you all. It could make coding at night easier on your eyes.

I tried to make it good, but there's always space to make it better. If you find anything that needs fixing or have ideas to improve it, I'd really value your thoughts.

SimulIDE Dark Theme Screenshot

Want to try it? Here's how to set it up:


Anderson Costa

Looks great.
I will try it.

arcostasi has reacted to this post.

In a modest attempt at improvement, I modified the drawBackground function to introduce grid points and a slight color adjustment, hoping it aligns well with the dark theme.

SimulIDE custom draw background

Here is the modified routine:

void Circuit::drawBackground(QPainter* painter, const QRectF &rect)
    painter->setBrush(QColor(240, 240, 210)); // Set background color
    painter->drawRect(m_scenerect);           // Draw background rectangle
    painter->setPen(QColor(132, 124, 100));   // Set color for the grid points

    // Check if the grid should be hidden
    if (m_hideGrid) {

    // Calculate the start and end positions for the x and y axes
    int startx = static_cast<int>(m_scenerect.x());
    int endx = static_cast<int>(m_scenerect.width());
    int starty = static_cast<int>(m_scenerect.y());
    int endy = static_cast<int>(m_scenerect.height());

    float pointSize = 0.5; // Define the size of each ellipse point
    int spacing = 16;      // Define the spacing between each point

    // Loop over the grid positions to draw ellipse points
    for (int x = startx + 4; x <= endx; x += spacing) {
        for (int y = starty + 4; y <= endy; y += spacing) {
            // Draw a ellipse point
            painter->drawEllipse(QPointF(x, y), pointSize, pointSize);


In a modest attempt at improvement, I modified the drawBackground function to introduce grid points and a slight color adjustment, hoping it aligns well with the dark theme.

Nice, there are still some details to solve:
- The grid should be configurable: points or lines.
- The grid spacing could be configurable as well (multiples of 4).
- The grid should be aligned with the actual internal grid, note that your grid is not aligned with the pins.
   You probably could use the original for loops to fix that.


About the dark theme (or other themes/color schemes):

This should be implemented in some way, by sets or colors (color schemes) icons, etc.
And it should be a way to add themes and also to select them.

Maybe 2 sets of icons, one for light, one for dark.
And different sets of colors that are read from some file and stored.
This data should be available for any widget, component, etc. to be read every time something is created.

But I have not much idea about themes and which are the available resources for this in Qt...

In step three of the guide

    • The qdarkstyle/* files added in this repository should be copied to the src/qdarkstyle directory of SimulIDE.

there's no such directory in the "src/qdarkstyle" folder. Should it be created and added first? I'm very new to this