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Bug in 16-bit ROM data loader?

Hello! I'm trying to build a scheme with 16-bit EPROM.

Start new SimulIDE 1.1.0-SR0, place memory-> RAM/ROM, set it to be 8-bit data wide,

 load file, I can see at address 0x1A000 (0xD000 * 2 bytes):

There is C080 

Then i switch to 16-bit data wide ROM and reload the file:

Now i can display it in 16-bit mode at address 0xD000 

Why there is BF80 instead of C080? Am I doing something wrong, maybe misunderstood how it works?

My schematic is the Final State Machine and it clearly reads BF80 and stops working (should read C080 instead).

BIN file is attached to the post.


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Hi. Thank you for reporting.

Issue solved at 1.1.0 Rev 1970.


Confirmed, now it works as expected!

Thank you!

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