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Bug for 3 phase power integrated by wave gen.

The attachment is the circuit that simulation of 3 phase power integrated by three wave gen., but as you can see, the frequency of Oscope is very unstable and cause is wave has a lot of suddently spiker. Here is a png for u:

Sorry that my account not allow to upload file with extension name with ".sim". So i paste the code here for u. Great thanks for helping.

Sorry that my account not allow to upload file with extension name with ".sim". So i paste the code here for u. Great thanks for helping.

To upload files you can zip it first.

In any case that circuit is not the first one, it is this:


In the circuit at first post you can try to add a ground at the common point.


a13257968 has reacted to this post.
Quote from arcachofo on April 13, 2024, 1:56 pm

Sorry that my account not allow to upload file with extension name with ".sim". So i paste the code here for u. Great thanks for helping.

To upload files you can zip it first.

In any case that circuit is not the first one, it is this:


In the circuit at first post you can try to add a ground at the common point.


Thanks for replaying, sorry that seems I paste the wrong  code, pls use this one:

<item itemtype="WaveGen" CircId="WaveGen-2" mainComp="false" ShowProp="Phase" Show_id="false" Show_Val="true" Pos="-492,-312" rotation="0" hflip="1" vflip="1" label="WaveGen-2" idLabPos="-64,-24" labelrot="0" valLabPos="-16,8" valLabRot="0" Out="true" Running="true" Wave_Type="Sine" Freq="50 Hz" Phase="120 _º" Steps="1000 _Steps" Duty="50 _%" Always_On="false" Bipolar="false" Floating="false" Semi_Ampli="311 V" Mid_Volt="0 V" />

<item itemtype="Oscope" CircId="Oscope-11" mainComp="false" Show_id="false" Show_Val="false" Pos="-32,-324" rotation="0" hflip="1" vflip="1" label="Oscope-11" idLabPos="-90,-100" labelrot="0" valLabPos="-16,20" valLabRot="0" Basic_X="135 _px" Basic_Y="135 _px" BufferSize="600000" connectGnd="true" InputImped="10 MΩ" TimDiv="4451907722" TimPos="-92619898223,-92619898223,-92619898223,-92619898223," VolDiv="100,100,100,100," Tunnels=",,,," Trigger="0" Filter="0.1 V" Trigger="0" AutoSC="4" Tracks="1" HideCh="false,false,false,false," VolPos="0,0,0,0," />

<item itemtype="Lamp" CircId="Lamp-8" mainComp="false" ShowProp="Resistance" Show_id="false" Show_Val="true" Pos="-316,-244" rotation="0" hflip="1" vflip="1" label="Lamp-8" idLabPos="-16,-24" labelrot="0" valLabPos="-16,6" valLabRot="0" Resistance="484 Ω" MaxCurrent="0.318 A" />

<item itemtype="Lamp" CircId="Lamp-6" mainComp="false" ShowProp="Resistance" Show_id="false" Show_Val="true" Pos="-396,-308" rotation="0" hflip="1" vflip="1" label="Lamp-6" idLabPos="-16,-24" labelrot="0" valLabPos="-16,6" valLabRot="0" Resistance="484 Ω" MaxCurrent="0.318 A" />

<item itemtype="Node" CircId="Node-15" mainComp="false" Pos="-168,-256" />

<item itemtype="WaveGen" CircId="WaveGen-3" mainComp="false" ShowProp="Phase" Show_id="false" Show_Val="true" Pos="-488,-244" rotation="0" hflip="1" vflip="1" label="WaveGen-3" idLabPos="-64,-24" labelrot="0" valLabPos="-16,8" valLabRot="0" Out="true" Running="true" Wave_Type="Sine" Freq="50 Hz" Phase="240 _º" Steps="1000 _Steps" Duty="50 _%" Always_On="false" Bipolar="false" Floating="false" Semi_Ampli="311 V" Mid_Volt="0 V" />

<item itemtype="Lamp" CircId="Lamp-7" mainComp="false" ShowProp="Resistance" Show_id="false" Show_Val="true" Pos="-316,-308" rotation="0" hflip="1" vflip="1" label="Lamp-7" idLabPos="-16,-24" labelrot="0" valLabPos="-16,6" valLabRot="0" Resistance="484 Ω" MaxCurrent="0.318 A" />

<item itemtype="Node" CircId="Node-14" mainComp="false" Pos="-428,-244" />

<item itemtype="Node" CircId="Node-12" mainComp="false" Pos="-168,-308" />

<item itemtype="Capacitor" CircId="Capacitor-10" mainComp="false" ShowProp="Capacitance" Show_id="false" Show_Val="true" Pos="-344,-360" rotation="0" hflip="1" vflip="1" label="Capacitor-10" idLabPos="-16,-24" labelrot="0" valLabPos="-16,6" valLabRot="0" Capacitance="0.5 µF" Resistance="1 µΩ" InitVolt="0 V" ReaStep="0 ns" />

<item itemtype="Node" CircId="Node-13" mainComp="false" Pos="-436,-308" />

<item itemtype="WaveGen" CircId="WaveGen-1" mainComp="false" ShowProp="Phase" Show_id="false" Show_Val="true" Pos="-492,-360" rotation="0" hflip="1" vflip="1" label="WaveGen-1" idLabPos="-64,-24" labelrot="0" valLabPos="-16,8" valLabRot="0" Out="true" Running="true" Wave_Type="Sine" Freq="50 Hz" Phase="0 _º" Steps="1000 _Steps" Duty="50 _%" Always_On="false" Bipolar="false" Floating="false" Semi_Ampli="311 V" Mid_Volt="0 V" />

<item itemtype="Lamp" CircId="Lamp-9" mainComp="false" ShowProp="Resistance" Show_id="false" Show_Val="true" Pos="-400,-244" rotation="0" hflip="1" vflip="1" label="Lamp-9" idLabPos="-16,-24" labelrot="0" valLabPos="-16,6" valLabRot="0" Resistance="484 Ω" MaxCurrent="0.318 A" />

<item itemtype="Connector" uid="Connector-11" startpinid="WaveGen-2-outnod" endpinid="Node-13-0" pointList="-476,-312,-436,-312,-436,-308" />

<item itemtype="Connector" uid="Connector-17" startpinid="Node-12-2" endpinid="Node-15-0" pointList="-168,-308,-168,-256" />

<item itemtype="Connector" uid="Connector-10" startpinid="Oscope-11-Pin0" endpinid="Node-13-1" pointList="-120,-372,-436,-372,-436,-308" />

<item itemtype="Connector" uid="Connector-6" startpinid="Lamp-6-rPin" endpinid="Lamp-7-lPin" pointList="-380,-308,-332,-308" />

<item itemtype="Connector" uid="Connector-7" startpinid="Lamp-7-rPin" endpinid="Node-12-1" pointList="-300,-308,-168,-308" />

<item itemtype="Connector" uid="Connector-18" startpinid="Node-15-2" endpinid="Lamp-8-rPin" pointList="-168,-256,-168,-244,-300,-244" />

<item itemtype="Connector" uid="Connector-13" startpinid="Oscope-11-Pin1" endpinid="Node-14-1" pointList="-120,-340,-428,-340,-428,-244" />

<item itemtype="Connector" uid="Connector-15" startpinid="Node-14-2" endpinid="Lamp-9-lPin" pointList="-428,-244,-416,-244" />

<item itemtype="Connector" uid="Connector-12" startpinid="Node-13-2" endpinid="Lamp-6-lPin" pointList="-436,-308,-412,-308" />

<item itemtype="Connector" uid="Connector-16" startpinid="Oscope-11-PinG" endpinid="Node-15-1" pointList="-120,-260,-120,-256,-168,-256" />

<item itemtype="Connector" uid="Connector-14" startpinid="WaveGen-3-outnod" endpinid="Node-14-0" pointList="-472,-244,-428,-244" />

<item itemtype="Connector" uid="Connector-3" startpinid="Lamp-9-rPin" endpinid="Lamp-8-lPin" pointList="-384,-244,-332,-244" />

<item itemtype="Connector" uid="Connector-8" startpinid="Capacitor-10-rPin" endpinid="Node-12-0" pointList="-328,-360,-168,-360,-168,-308" />

<item itemtype="Connector" uid="Connector-1" startpinid="WaveGen-1-outnod" endpinid="Capacitor-10-lPin" pointList="-476,-360,-360,-360" />


In the circuit at first post you can try to add a ground at the common point.
Or just not connect to Oscope Reference input (the last one besides "Expand" button).

a13257968 has reacted to this post.
Quote from arcachofo on April 13, 2024, 2:19 pm

In the circuit at first post you can try to add a ground at the common point.
Or just not connect to Oscope Reference input (the last one besides "Expand" button).

No problem, thanks for advicing. And the circuit first upload working well with ur suggestion, and if any idea about the 3 phase power one, pls let me know, thanks for ur great helping again!

BTW, here more detail for ur investigation. I found that the wave will drop down or just a spiker suddently. Thanks vm.  

Here are another .sim for ur testing. Thanks agin for helping!

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