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AVRasm2, Atmega8, Fast PWM with ICR1 for Top

Windows 7, 32
ATmega8, 8 Mhz

I likely have missed something because when PWM of timer 1 is activated, OC1A pin stays high. 

Please see attached file ''


At boot,
DDRB,1 = 1
[PB1 is low output]

Then, at line 1749,
OCR1AH = 0
OCR1AL = 24 ;[for 3us pulse]
TCCR1B = 0b00011001
TCCR1A = 0b10000010
ICR1H = high(364) ;[45.5 us period]
ICR1L = low(364)

; Fast PWM [21978 Hz], Compare Output Mode
; TOP=ICR1=364 [45.5 us]
; Clear OC1A on Compare Match, set OC1A at BOTTOM, (non-inverting mode)
; OC1B disconnected, normal port operation.
; prescaler, MCU clk / 1 [0.125 us]

From ATmega8 datasheet:
The ICR1 Register can only be written when using a Waveform Generation mode that utilizes the ICR1 Register for defining the counter’s TOP value.
In these cases the Waveform Generation mode (WGM13:0) bits must be set before the TOP value can be written to the ICR1 Register.
When writing the ICR1 Register the High byte must be written to the ICR1H I/O location before the Low byte is written to ICR1L.


Uploaded files:

Thanks, i will have a look.

I haven't found the issue yet, but you could try to write OCR and ICR first and then TTCRs, maybe that could help.

Seems that the problem happens at line 1749: OCRAH is writen 24 and OCRAL = 0.
So the compare match value is higher than Timer overflow  value.
Probably it shoul be:

    OUT   OCR1AH, r19          ;1a
    OUT   OCR1AL, r18          ;1a


Quote from arcachofo on April 2, 2024, 1:01 pm

Seems that the problem happens at line 1749: OCRAH is writen 24 and OCRAL = 0.
So the compare match value is higher than Timer overflow  value.
Probably it shoul be:

    OUT   OCR1AH, r19          ;1a
    OUT   OCR1AL, r18          ;1a


You did it. You are my hero. Thank you very much and I apologize to take your precious time to fix a silly bug I did.