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[AVR/Attiny85] comp match skipped after OCR0A update

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tests are done with Timer0 in CTC mode. After an update of OCR0A, the next Compare Match does not occurs in SimulIDE. On a real ATTiny85 it occurs.

On the datasheet we can read : the CTC mode does not have the double buffering feature. If the new value written to OCR0A is lower
than the current value of TCNT0, the counter will miss the Compare Match (p72). Guessing that when TCNT0 is below the new OCR0A value, the Compare Match will not be missed.

I tried to investigate the code, but i'm quite lost between timer and ocunits.

I join a test sketch : with a led on PB4 it blinks on a real hardware ; it doesn't blink in simulide.

Have a nice day !

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I'm having a look at this issue and definitely there is something going on, but not sure if it is related to updating OCR0A and missing compare match.
For example this code seems to work ok:

#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>

  PINB = (1 << PINB4); //flip

void setup() {
  OCR0A = 254; // arbitrary, before 0xFF
  TCNT0 = 0;
  TCCR0B = 5; // prescaler 
  TCCR0A = 2; // CTC mode
  TIMSK = (1 << OCIE0A); //enable interrupt
  DDRB = (1 << PINB4); //pin output
  PINB = (1 << PINB4); // flip (on)  

void loop(){}

int main() {
  for(;;) loop();



your sketch helped me to investigate near raises functions. Here what i observed on my sketch (without TCNT0=130, less code helps to investigate) :

==> when i speak of OcUnit, i only mean OCA

When TCNT0==128

  • - OCR0A change to 254
  • - this calls AvrTimer8bit::topReg0Changed with 254
    • - this function calls McuTimer::sheduleEvents()
      • - this function uses m_counterVal to compare (~TCNT0) ; but this value is 127 !
      • - it reshedule (remove old and add) a raise in 254-127 = 127 timer ticks
      • - then it calls McuOcUnit::sheduleEvents() with 127 as counter value
        • - this function reshedules (remove old and add) raise in 254-127 time ticks (+ 1 cpu tick)
    • - then we update RAM register with McuOcUnit::ocrWriteL() with 254
      • - this call McuTimer::getCount() to know the counter
        • - this call McuTimer::updtCount()
          • - this call McuTimer::calcCounter()
            • - which calculate m_counterVal based on a rescaled difference of simulation ticks (ps) : m_ovfCycle-Simulator::self()->circTime()
            • - m_counterVal = 126 ! (254-128), 128 = rescaled difference of simulation ticks
        • - 126 is used as a counter value for McuOcUnit::sheduleEvents()
          • - so next OcUnit event will come in 254-126 = 128 ticks

So the new Timer event/raise occurs before the new OcUnit event (127 < 128). As the Timer event/raise resets the schedule of OcUnit ; the OcUnit event/raise never occurs.

Now with your sketch :

At first interrupt

  • - OCR0A change to 253
  • - this calls AvrTimer8bit::topReg0Changed with 253
    • - this function calls McuTimer::sheduleEvents()
      • - this function uses m_counterVal to compare (~TCNT0) ; this value is 0 !
      • - it reshedule (remove old and add) a raise in 253-0 = 253 timer ticks
      • - then it calls McuOcUnit::sheduleEvents() with 0 as counter value (we can ignore this call, i will be reset a few steps below)
        • - this function reshedules (remove old and add) raise in 254-0 time ticks (+ 1 cpu tick) (here 254 is the old value of the match)
    • - then we update RAM register with McuOcUnit::ocrWriteL() with 253
      • - this call McuTimer::getCount() to know the counter
        • - this call McuTimer::updtCount()
          • - this call McuTimer::calcCounter()
            • - which calculate m_counterVal based on a rescaled difference of simulation ticks (ps) : m_ovfCycle-Simulator::self()->circTime()
            • - but as m_ovfMatch (254) is not > cycles2Ovf (253) ; m_counterVal keeps the value 0
        • - 0 is used as a counter value for McuOcUnit::sheduleEvents()
          • - so next OcUnit event will come in 253-0 = 253 ticks

So Timer and OcUnit events/rises occurs at the same time. So which is the first one really served ? If this this the Timer one, it will reset the OcUnit one. Fortunatly, when two events are added to the same simulation tick the second added event is inserted before the first (in Simulator::addEvent()).

Some questions / points of interest :

  • - is it wanted the m_counterVal drifts away from TCNT0 ?
  • - it's difficult to know which is the "real" value of the internal counter (stored, cached, calculated)
  • - Overflow (just after =) isn't the same as Compare Match (when =) ; it seems the two are mixed (not sure)...
  • - ... maybe because the Timer class drives some concepts of OcUnitA ?
  • - Of course, each mode (Normal, FastPWM, PhaseCorrect, CTC, ...) has its specifics behaviors ; so the difficulty grows.

Hope this can help

I just commited the solution for this issue.
Let me have a look to your post...

Coethium has reacted to this post.

Are you interested by the same analysis with your solution ?

Timers are a little bit tricky...
Let me follow your analysis step by step.

In the meanwhile some comments on your post:

First, the error was caused by McuOcUnit::m_comMatch updated after McuTimer::sheduleEvents().
But this is a problem only in some specific cases, for example this works ok:

  if (TCNT0==128) {
    OCR0A--;   // force an update into simulide (new value)
    OCR0A=250; // restore value
    TCNT0=130; // force skip on next loop (another bug with 129 or without forcing this skip (= keeping 128))

is it wanted the m_counterVal drifts away from TCNT0 ?

Noy sure what do do you mean by "drift".
m_countVal is not an specific register, for 16 bit Timers it is the combination of 2 registers.

it's difficult to know which is the "real" value of the internal counter (stored, cached, calculated)

Yes it is indeed.
A real pain in the but.

Overflow (just after =) isn't the same as Compare Match (when =) ; it seems the two are mixed (not sure)...

Overflow is managed in McuTimer::runEvent() and Compare Match in McuOcUnit::runEvent().
Not sure what yoiu mean by "mixed".

... maybe because the Timer class drives some concepts of OcUnitA ?

Can you explain what you mean by this?



Thank you for your post. I will make some new tests, and will try with your new commit.


Noy sure what do do you mean by "drift".
m_countVal is not an specific register, for 16 bit Timers it is the combination of 2 registers.

For exemple, when TCNT0==128, m_countVal can hold 126 (maybe this is corrected with your commit, i'll look at it)

Overflow is managed in McuTimer::runEvent() and Compare Match in McuOcUnit::runEvent().
Not sure what yoiu mean by "mixed".

Can you explain what you mean by this?

I mean that McuOcUnit::sheduleEvents() sometimes (not always) depends of the behavior of McuTimer::sheduleEvents().

And also this comment in McuCreator.ccp :

787| if( topReg0=="" && ocName.endsWith("A") ) // OCRA managed in Timer
  • - OCR0A change to 253
  • - this calls AvrTimer8bit::topReg0Changed with 253
    • - this function calls McuTimer::sheduleEvents()
      • - this function uses m_counterVal to compare (~TCNT0) ; this value is 0 !

Didn't catch this one, but calling m_OCA->ocrWriteL( val ) before McuTimer::sheduleEvents() updates the counter value and should fix that too.

Timers are very tricky because they only update the counter only when it is needed.
In this case I didn't update it before calling sheduleEvents().

About your last post:

For exemple, when TCNT0==128, m_countVal can hold 126 (maybe this is corrected with your commit, i'll look at it)

Ok, some clarifications:
- The counter value is held at m_countVal.
Is this the "real" value?
It does not increases with MCU clocks, it is only calculated when it is needed.
So when it is not needed it will hold the last value used, not the "real" one.
But when it is needed it should hold the "real" value.

- TCNTx registers are updated only if someone reads or write those RAM addresses.
So it can happen that values are different as soon as you don't read TCNTx, but if you read then they should be updated, so you should never know, if that makes sense...

This approach is tricky: very easy to miss something, do some misscalculation, etc.
But updating the counter value and registers to be the always the "real" ones (at every clock cycle) takes a massive amount of cpu and can make the simulation much slower.


I mean that McuOcUnit::sheduleEvents() sometimes (not always) depends of the behavior of McuTimer::sheduleEvents().

Yes, if the Timer has to re-schedule because something changed, then OCunits will need to adjust to the changes.
But each one takes care of their stuff.

And also this comment in McuCreator.ccp :

787| if( topReg0=="" && ocName.endsWith("A") ) // OCRA managed in Timer
Yes OCRA is used for the Timer Overflow and for the OCunits Compare Match.
So in this case the Timer do it's stuff and tells the OCunit that OCRA has changed.

Thanks for the clarification !

I did some new tests, i gone deeper into the code. As you said this is very tricky (but clever !). The update of yesterday works way better, but still has a little bug.

For this sketch :

[... ISR, setup(), main() as in the previous attachment ...]

void loop() {
  if ((TCNT0==10)&&(!modified)) {
    OCR0A--;   // force an update into simulide (new value)
    modified = true;

Here is the debug log of usage of calcCounter() (big values have a comma for readability) :

  circTime m_OvfMatch   m_ovfCycle   cycles2Ovf (float) cycles2Ovf (int) m_Counter
  1,057 253   260,128   252,9990234375 252 1
  2,081 253   260,128   251,9990234375 251 2
  3,105 253   260,128   250,9990234375 250 3
  4,129 253   260,128   249,9990234375 249 4
  5,153 253   260,128   248,9990234375 248 5
  6,177 253   260,128   247,9990234375 247 6
  7,201 253   260,128   246,9990234375 246 7
  8,225 253   260,128   245,9990234375 245 8
  9,249 253   260,128   244,9990234375 244 9
  10,273 253   260,128   243,9990234375 243 10
  10,282 252   260,128   243,9902343750 243 9
  11,307 252   260,138   242,9990234375 242 10
  12,331 252   260,138   241,9990234375 241 11
  13,355 252   260,138   240,9990234375 240 12

Just after the instruction OCR0A-- ; m_Counter decrements (and this value is visible into TCNT0 in the Mcu Monitor). Why ? The calculation of m_Counter is based on m_ovfCycle ; but at the time of the calculation this variable hold ~260,xxx. But as we update OCR0A, the new ovf shoud be about 1 cycle before (~259,xxx). When sheduleEvent came in action, it does an "opposite" calculation to recalculate m_ovfCycle from the bad m_Counter value, so this value does not change (well it changes just a little, see later). Of course, after the first overflow/compare match ; the new cycle will be good.

Is it a big deal ? One tick skipped in one cycle ? At first no, but let's try another sketch :

void loop() {
  if ((TCNT0==10)) {  
    OCR0A--;   //force update in simulide (as same value skips code for optimisation)

This sketch isn't really good : the Timer is prescaled, this code change OCR0A many times when TCNT0==10. But it works on a real Mcu (the debug LED in PB4 blinks).

Here the debug log :

  circTime m_OvfMatch   m_ovfCycle   cycles2Ovf (float) cycles2Ovf (int) m_Counter
  8,225 253   260,128   245,9990234375 245 8
  9,249 253   260,128   244,9990234375 244 9
  10,273 253   260,128   243,9990234375 243 10
  10,278 252   260,128   243,9941406250 243 9
  10,279 253   260,134   243,9990234375 243 10
  10,287 252   260,135   243,9921875000 243 9
  10,288 253   260,143   243,9990234375 243 10
  10,296 252   260,144   243,9921875000 243 9
  10,297 253   260,152   243,9990234375 243 10
  10,305 252   260,153   243,9921875000 243 9
  10,306 253   260,161   243,9990234375 243 10
a few time later…                
  13,221 252   263,069   243,9921875000 243 9
  13,222 253   263,077   243,9990234375 243 10

After a few time, circTime passes the "TCNT0==10" test, but m_Counter is always calculated as ~9 ~10. We can see m_ovfCycle slowly grows, as a result of a "ping/pong" calculation between calcCounter() and sheduleEvents(), so the difference remains the same. The simulated Mcu Timer is stuck in this state.


Wow, thank you very much for that deep investigation.

I still don't understand why: "But as we update OCR0A, the new ovf shoud be about 1 cycle before (~259,xxx)."
I have to go through it to understand exactly what is happening, but definetly there is a problem there.
Even if it is only 1 cycle it is still a bug, and as you demonstrated, in some cases it can lead to huge differences with the real device.

Also often there are redundant recalculations depending on the source of the changes.
This is not only inefficient but makes debugging even more painful.
I will try to optimize it a bit...

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