autoselect device

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It's been six months since I last used Simulide, and so many changes! Congratulations!

We found it very practical with our students to be able to choose compiler and device in the file.

I've noticed that the BaseDebugger::getInfoInFile( QString line ) method no longer exists. Is it possible to put it back?

Best regards


I've noticed that the BaseDebugger::getInfoInFile( QString line ) method no longer exists. Is it possible to put it back?

That functionality is now deprecated, but still supported at CodeEditor::loadConfig().
I didn't realize that device and family was missing (solved at Rev 2192).

Now Compiler configurations, breakpoints and files opened (and any future setting) can be saved to a configuration file.
You can activate it in File Settings->Save Setting at file close.
And choose which actions to perform when file is opened again.

bjacquot has reacted to this post.


Now Compiler configurations, breakpoints and files opened (and any future setting) can be saved to a configuration file.

Yes I saw that, and it's a very interesting feature.
The problem is that our students won't have the files in the same directory ( maybe /home/user/simulide/ ).
I modified the .cfg file to have a relative path ( Circuit="./td2-scrutation.sim1" ) but it doesn't work.
I haven't gone deeper to find a solution yet.


The problem is that our students won't have the files in the same directory ( maybe /home/user/simulide/ 

I see... 
I will have a look and try to use relative paths.